
Thursday, 5 April 2012


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Tuesday, 27 March 2012

IGSINDIA 4.02 stock market analysis software FREE DOWNLOAD

Download IGSINDIA4.02 stock market analysis software free download

  • Please ensure Java Run Time Environment(JRE 1.5 or above ) is available on your machine. To check this, Click Start Menu -> Click Run -> Type cmd -> Press Enter. On the command prompt type java -version and press enter. If you get information about java then java is installed on your machine. If not, then install Java Run Time environment from sun's site.
  • After downloading zip file . To install software ,First unzip the zip file ,which will create folder IGSIndia/IGSWorld inside which you will see run.bat file. click on that file
  • If you are in office network behind a proxy then click on proxy configuration and setup proxy.
  • ( Only for IGSIndia user ) First time when you click on stock, It is downloaded from our website, which can take time and frustrate you, So use DataManager to download all stocks parallel and as a background thread. 


Monday, 26 March 2012

Warts PPT presentation

PPT presentation of warts.

Download link-----


The foetus (baby in the uterus of the pregnant mother) 1-3 weeks prior to delivery date (so long remaining in upright position) turns upside down, and the uterus descends down in such a way that the head of the foetus remains fixed in the pelvic floor of the mother. 1-3 weeks later, at the delivery time the mouth of the uterus dilates and the child comes out. Even after the full term of ten months if the child does not turn upside down, or turns half-way and lies crosswise or having turned upside down, does not descend further down, the attending lady doctor would say that head is still floating or is in incorrect position and so opens the abdomen to take out the child. This is called caesarean surgery. 70 to 90 per cent of caesarean surgeries at the present day are conducted solely for this reason.
(1) At this time if the patient takes three doses of the homoeopathic medicine Pulsatilla-1000, every 4-8 hours, in the next twenty-four hours it would be a normal and safe delivery.
"Abnormal presentations may be righted if Pulsatilla is given before the membranes are ruptured or the presenting parts are firmly engaged..."
(2) If the baby in the uterus stops growing, allopathy has no cure and they abort it. But if one single dose of the homoeopathic medicine Secale Cornutum-10M is given, the baby starts growing. (See Calvin B. Knerr's Repertory, p. 698. Pregnancy, foetus, development arrested: Sec.)
(3) After caesarean (or for that matter after any abdominal surgery) there would be pain in the sutured place lasting for years. But one single dose of the homoeo medicine Staphysagria-1000, completely cures in twenty-four hours all post-operative abdominal discomforts.
(4) Some newly married women are prone to urinary infection and they spend in thousands. Again, the same homoeo medicine Staphysagria-1000, in one single dose, would cure the condition in just a day's time.

Sunday, 25 March 2012

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Friday, 23 March 2012

Hompath classic 8 free download

it is the latest repertorisation software helpful to homeopathic practitioners.
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part 1-----
part 2------ 

Wednesday, 21 March 2012

Abnormal sensations of mind

 Mind and sensorium
 - Absent (forgetful)  bar-c.
 - Accident would happen  mag-c.; mag-s.
 - Accident one were threatened with some fatal  alum.
 - Accomplish her work, she cannot  bry.
 - Accomplished, business never could be  med.
 - Act, yet cannot (spellbound): all functions must  pop.
 - Action and yet withheld from action, mind and body must be  pop.
 - Acts, mental, were performed in stomach  acon.
 - Acts, there were one by his side duplicating his  ars.
 - Afflicted, he had just been  cycl.
 - Afraid of the first thing she sees  stram.
 - Air itself were in tremulous motion (fever)  sabad.
 - Air he were in; on going to sleep quick drawing to feet wakens him  tell.
 - Air he were entering cold  tarent.
 - Air and busy himself, he must go into the  anac.
 - Air she were so light she could float in  manc., tep.
 - Air she were floating in  cocain., nux-m., stict., valer., xanth.
 - Air legs were floating in  stict.
 - Air flying or swimming in  calc-ar., manc., valer.
 - Air on going to sleep he were in  tell.
 - Air when walking, he were gliding in  asar.
 - Air when walking, he were walking on  asar., chin., coff., lac-c., merc-i-f., nat-m., nux-v., op., ph-ac., phos., rhus-t., spig., stram., stict., thuj.
 - Air hovering in, one were  manc., nux-m., op., stict., valer.
 - Air like a spirit (when walking in open air), he were hovering in  asar.
 - Air and tormented by great anxiety lest slightest touch or motion make her fall from the height: she were being lifted high in  hyper.
 - Air suspended in  sep.
 - Air he were walking in  aur-m., lact.
 - Alarm, awakens in  agn.
 - Alighted on floor, bed had gone out from under her and she had  ars.
 - Alone and all about her were dead and still, she were  rhus-t.
 - Animal right through, she were  lach.
 - Apoplexy, he would have  arg-m., brom., carb-v., elaps, ferr., gast., puls., zinc.
 - Apoplexy, fear of having a stroke of  prim-v.
 - Apoplexy, struck with  kali-cy., tarent.
 - Apoplexy, were threatened  colch.
 - Apparition, he wouls see an  brom.
 - Approached and receded, everything  cic.
 - Approaching catastrophe, someone were rapidly  tab.
 - Approaching end were  zinc.
 - Arms and legs, he had too many  pyrog.
 - Around in a circle, head were going  tub.
 - Arousing himself from a dream  carb-v.
 - Arrest him (when door opens), someone were coming to  ruta, tab.
 - Arrested, ideas were  seneg.
 - Asleep  rhus-t., ter.
 - Asleep he were half  con., rheum
 - Asleep left half of head were  calad.
 - Asleep when waking in morning, he had not been  trif-r.
 - Asleep he were just falling  asar.
 - Atmosphere in room were heavy and thick  agn.
 - Atmosphere in a hot  puls.
 - Atmosphere when eating, he were entering a warm  nux-v.
 - Attack him, severe disease were going to  arg-n.
 - Attack threatened with epileptic  alum.
 - Attacked by paralytic stroke, he would be  carb-v.
 - Attention must be centered on act of respiration, his whole  chlor.
 - Awake all night, he had been  puls.
 - Awake she would never get  ang.
 - Awakened, he had just been  cycl.
 - Awakens in alarm  agn.
 - Awakens in morning, she were friendless when she  lach.
 - Awakens in fright  bell.
 - Away from home  aster.
 - Backward when in rocking chair, one were going over  tub.
 - Bad, she had done something  alum.
 - Balance his head (vertigo), he had to  aesc.
 - Balancing himself to and fro  ferr.
 - Balancing over water in crossing a bridge  ferr.
 - Balancing to and fro when closing eyes, seat were  thuj.
 - Balls of fire were rolling over bed-clothes  stram.
 - Barrier between senses and external objects  aeth.
 - Beast under bed, some dreadful  cham.
 - Bed were bounching patient up and down  bell.
 - Bed something forces him out of  rhus-t.
 - Bed by suction and unable to move, he were bound to  sars.
 - Bed she covered the whole  pyrog.
 - Bed head were falling out of  arg-m.
 - Bed one would fall out of  arg-n., ars-s-f.
 - Bed were falling on her  stram.
 - Bed he were falling through  bell., chin-s., dulc., lach., rhus-t., sacch., sec.
 - Bed were being drawn from under her  stram.
 - Bed had gone from under her and she had alighted on the floor  ars.
 - Bed were not large enough  sulph.
 - Bed were in motion, on awaking at night  lac-c.
 - Bed were moving  clem.
 - Bed body were scattered about in  bapt.
 - Bed were sinking  lach.
 - Bed there were mice in  colch.
 - Bed she were sinking down deep in  bry.
 - Bed were sinking down on closing eyes  sec.
 - Bed were sinking from under her  kali-c.
 - Bed everything were sinking down in  lyc.
 - Bed and of the person, sinking of the  lach.
 - Bed sinking through  rhus-t.
 - Bed he had sunken deep in  xanth.
 - Bed were swaying from side to side like a hammock  tub.
 - Bed when lying she did not touch  asar., chin., coff., lac-c., nat-m., nux-v., op., ph-ac., rhus-t., spig., stict., stram., thuj.
 - Bed making a noise, something were under her  bell.
 - Bed turned about  nux-v., plb., puls., sin-n.
 - Bed were turning in a circle  con., sol-n.
 - Behind her, someone were  brom., crot-h., lach., med., sacch-l., tub.
 - Behind him, someone were walking  calc.
 - Behind him when in bath tub, someone were  samars.
 - Belong to her family, she did not  plat.
 - Belong to any one, she did not  puls.
 - Beside himself, he were  puls.
 - Beside himself with trifles  carl.
 - Beside him, someone were walking  calc.
 - Bewildered  xanth.
 - Black cloud settled over her  cimic.
 - Blood ceased to flow (vertigo)  seneg.
 - Boat, he were floating in a  bell.
 - Body, he had no  psor.
 - Body, consciousness were outside of his  alum.
 - Body, in some way, she would become crazy if she could not get out of her  lac-c.
 - Body, were greatly enlarged  bell.
 - Body, spirit had separated from  anac.
 - Body, mind were separated from  anac.
 - Body, were separated, soul and  thuj.
 - Body, were made of glass and easily broken  thuj.
 - Bouncing patient up and down, bed were  bell.
 - Bound to bed by suction and unable to move  sars.
 - Boy, strange, were lying in bed with him  apis
 - Brain were balanced on a slight point and likely at any moment to be turned over  camph.
 - Brandy, he had taken  puls.
 - Break if she lay too long in one position, she would  pyrog.
 - Break the spell, she were charmed and could not  lach.
 - Break in if alone, rowdies would  elaps
 - Break down, she would  arg-m.
 - Broken, whole body were made of glass and were easily  thuj.
 - Buoyant  pip-m.
 - Burning, he saw his neighbor's house  hep.
 - Burst into tears, he would  cot.
 - Business, he had much  phos.
 - Business, never could be accomplished  med.
 - Busy himself, he must go into open air and  anac.
 - Calamity were hanging over him, some overwhelming  calen.
 - Calamity horrible, were impending  rhus-t.
 - Came toward her and frightened her, someone  sol
 - Car, she were in a railroad  sang.
 - Care what happened, he did not  sep.
 - Care for her no one would  lil-t.
 - Carousing, after  phys.
 - Carried somewhere and conversed with another person, she were  raph.
 - Carried on wings when walking  thuj.
 - Catastrophe, someone were rapidly approaching  tab.
 - Chair were rising  phos.
 - Chair were standing in middle of bed, when half asleep  thuj.
 - Changed, everything at home had  arg-n.
 - Charmed and could not break the speel  lach.
 - Child, she must have a  agar.
 - Child, he were a  cic.
 - Circle, head were going around in a  tub.
 - Circle, room were turning in a  nux-v.
 - Climbing a steep mountain, he were  prun.
 - Clothes for a time, though near them could not get  caj.
 - Cloud passed over him  samars.
 - Cloud head were confused by a  crot-t.
 - Heavy, black, had settlee over her  cimic.
 - Clouds, ideas were floating in  dat-a.
 - Coal screen and whirled around, he had been placed in a  eup-per.
 - Collect his sense, impossible to  hyos.
 - Coming down on her, whole house seemed to be  sabad.
 - Coming over her, overpowering giddiness were  con.
 - Coming up behind him, someone were  staph.
 - Coming up to meet him, stairs or ground were  pic-ac.
 - Commingled, objects were  camph.
 - Commit some horrible crime, one were impelled to  thea
 - Commit suicide, he were impelled to  thea
 - Commit suicide by drawning, he were impelled to  dros.
 - Commit suicide (on seeing knives) though she has a great aversion to it, she would  alum.
 - Committed a crime, one had  alum., am-c., carb-v., chel., cocc., cycl., dig., ign., merc., nux-v., puls., rheum, rhus-t., verat., zinc.
 - Committed a crime, conscious of having  zinc-o.
 - Committed the unpardonable sin, she had  chel., med.
 - Committed some evil, one hard  cycl.
 - Communing with self  op.
 - Confined in too small a space  samars.
 - Confused  samars., tub., verat-v.
 - Confused Confusion
 - Confused from insufficient sleep  sulph.
 - Confused smoke in head caused  sul-ac.
 - Conscience, he had a bad  verat.
 - Consciousness, he would lose  brom., dig., dios., mag-m., oxyt., plat., thea
 - Consciousness, momentarily, he had lost  lyss.
 - Consciousness, were outside of his body  alum.
 - Conversed with another person, she were carried somewhere and  raph.
 - Convulsion, going into a  pyrus
 - Convulsion, she would have a  raph.
 - Corner, something were creeping out of every  phos.
 - Corner, of room, part of head fitted into each  cann-i.
 - Corner, horrible faces were looking out of every  phos.
 - Cotton, he were treading on  onos.
 - Couch moved  plb.
 - Covered the whole bed  pyrog.
 - Country, and then in another, now in one  chlol.
 - Crazy, she were  pall., phys., sulph.
 - Crazy, she were half  sanic.
 - Crazy, he were going  iod., tarent.
 - Crazy, he would become  chlor., cimic., lac-c., lil-t., manc., med.
 - Crazy, if she did not hold herself, she would go  lil-t.
 - Crazy, snapping in head were nearly driving him  antip.
 - Crazy, she would go  ail.
 - Creep into his own body, he would crouch together as much as he could and  cimx.
 - Creeping out of every corner, something were  phos.
 - Crime, he had committed a  carb-v., chel., chin-s., cycl., dig., ign., merc., nux-v., puls., rheum, rhus-t., verat., zinc.
 - Crime, had been committed  am-c.
 - Crime, one were impelled to commit some horrible  thea
 - Crime, conscious of having committed  zinc-o.
 - Criminal, he were the greatest  sabad.
 - Crowded with arms and legs, he were  pyrog.
 - Cruel, he would like to do something  abrot.
 - Crush him, houses on both sides of street would approach and  arg-n.
 - Crushed by bedclothes  pic-ac.
 - Crushed by everybody's rushing  tub.
 - Cry, he could  caj.
 - Cry, he could do nothing but  apoc.
 - Cured, he could not be  alum.
 - Danced all night, he had  clem.
 - Danced several nights, he had  sabin.
 - Dancing, he were  agar., puls.
 - Dancing, up and down when walking  ars-s-f.
 - Danger were impending  camph., macro.
 - Danger menaced him  fl-ac.
 - Dazed, mind were  tub.
 - Dead, one were  oena., raph., sil.
 - Dead, and preparations were being made for her funeral  lach.
 - Dead, and still, she were alone and all about her were  rhus-t.
 - Dead, and wishes someone would help her off, she were nearly  lach.
 - Death were approaching  thea
 - Death were close at hand  ant-t., verat.
 - Death were near  puls.
 - Death must result (cardiac trouble)  pop.
 - Death she dreaded  tab.
 - Debauch, one had been up all night or after a  conin., nux-v.
 - Debauch, after a  op.
 - Dead, she had committed a wicked  cocc.
 - Dead, which others knew: could not look anyone in the face, he were guilty of some  cob.
 - Delicate and thin, whole body were  thuj.
 - Delirious  nit-ac.
 - Delirious she would become  gels.
 - Demon sits on his neck prompting to offensive things  anac.
 - Deprived of his senses, he would be  cycl.
 - Deranged, she were going  lac-c.
 - Descending a mountaing  cycl.
 - Detached  samars.
 - Devil on account of crimes he had never done, he were persecuted by men or the  zinc.
 - Devil she were a  kali-br.
 - Die, he would  am-c., asaf., asar., gels., glon., lil-t., med., mur-ac., plat., psor., rhus-t., ruta, sil., sulph.
 - Die, she were going to  caps., caust., croc., lyss., magn-gr., pyrus
 - Die, about to  glon., lyc., phos., plat., raph.
 - Die, from exhaustion, she would  lach.
 - Die, from weakness, one would  asar., lyc., vinc.
 - Die, on going to sleep, she would  lach.
 - Die, before movement, about to  nat-hchls.
 - Die, a sudden death  thea
 - Die, she must  nux-v.
 - Die, one would sink down and  asar.
 - Die, she must lie down and  kali-c.
 - Die, than live, one would rather  xanth.
 - Direction, vertigo moved now in one, now in another  coff-t.
 - Disease, she were a loathsome, horrible mass of  lac-c.
 - Dissolved, body continuity would be  thuj.
 - Dissolving and she were going crazy, brain were  calc.
 - Distance, everything were at a great  magn-gr.
 - Distant island, she were on a  phos.
 - Distant objects were too  anac.
 - Disturb his sleep, someone would come and  agar.
 - Divided into halves and left side did not belong to her, she were  sil.
 - Dizzy  jug-r., stram.
 - Dizzy he would become  malar.
 - Dizzy and lose consciousness, she would become  mag-m.
 - Dizziness commenced in front of ears and pressed to vertex  sal-p.
 - Do anything yet something must be done, unable to  pop.
 - Do nothing, he could  lyss.
 - Do something dreadful while tremblings were on, he were going to  visc.
 - Does everything that he does, someone by his side who  ars.
 - Dogs surrounded him  bell.
 - Done something bad she had  ferr.
 - Double, one person were lying on the right side and another lying on the left, she were  pyrog.
 - Double, and fever would not run alike in both, she were  pyrog.
 - Double, the inner one a little smaller, the outside one loosely put on; when sitting or lying down the inner is all the time urging the outer to get up; she were  anac.
 - Double, existence, she had a  cann-i.
 - Double, one were  bapt.
 - Drawing round in a circle and she could not hold head straight, something were  lyss.
 - Drawing her to the right in morning when walking, something were  sil.
 - Drawn from under her, bed were  stram.
 - Drawn forth and wafted quickly in direction of legs  tell.
 - Drawn from floor, difficult to place foot to floor, one were  euon., atro.
 - Dreaded death  tab.
 - Dreaded misfortune  rhus-t.
 - Dreadful while tremblings were on, she were going to do something  visc.
 - Dreadful had happened, something  med.
 - Dream, in a  ambr., anac., calc., cann-i., con., med., rheum, sang., sars., stram., valer., verat., ziz.
 - Dream, he were arousing himself from a  carb-v.
 - Dreamed everything that happened during the day, one had  lach.
 - Dreaming, he were  valer.
 - Drinking, he had been  aran-sc.
 - Drop, she would  aran.
 - Drop, unconscious, he would  calc.
 - Drugged  op.
 - Drunk See also INTOXICATED
 - Drunk  agar., ant-c., arg-n., asc-t., aur., bell., bufo, chlf., cot., croc., kali-br., meph., mez., nux-m., oena., op., phys., pip-m., querc., sil., stram., sulph., sulo-ac.
 - Drunk he had been  bapt.
 - Drunk all the time  arg-m.
 - Drunk for a week, he had been  onos.
 - Drunk the night before, he had been  bry.
 - Drunk partially  chlol.
 - Drunk affected side were  lat-k.
 - Drunk with cloudiness  alum.
 - Drunk giddy  ferr.
 - Drunk with nausea  acon.
 - Drunk with vertigo  ant-c.
 - Drunk with heavy head  acet-ac.
 - Drunk in head  calc.
 - Drunk on rising  graph.
 - Drunken man were coming toward her and lying down beside her, a huge  cic.
 - Drunken from smoke in brain  op.
 - Dull from loss of sleep, head were  nicc.
 - Dullness from taking liquor  sabad.
 - Dullness as after intoxication  squil.
 - Duplicating his acts, there were one by his side  ars.
 - Duty, he had not done his  cycl., puls.
 - Dying  acon., apis, cact., chlf., morph., op., podo., ther., thyr., vesp., xanth.
 - Earthquake, one were in an  fl-ac.
 - Effort, she kept herself together only by a great  sacch-l.
 - Elevated  phos., rhus-t., sil.
 - Elevated and would fall  mosch.
 - Elevated and pressed forward  calc.
 - Else and moves to edge of bed to make room, she were someone  valer.
 - Emptiness around and under one on standing  kali-br.
 - Emptiness behind one on turning around  kali-c.
 - Empty, head were  lact.
 - End, gradually nearing his  verat.
 - End, were near  graph.
 - End, were approaching  zinc.
 - Enemies allowed him no rest  dros.
 - Engaged in a lawsuit, he were  nit-ac.
 - Enjoyment, nothing could give her any  stram.
 - Enormous size, one were of  cic.
 - Enrage, with mirth, least provocation would  sumb.
 - Estranged from him, objects about him were  valer.
 - Epileptic spasm, she would have an  cina
 - Ether in head, he had taken  cain.
 - Events that occurred in her dreams were not for hours, but for weeks' and months' duration  sang.
 - Evil, he had done  zinc.
 - Evil, power had control of the whole of him except will-power  cann-s.
 - Evil, were going to happen, some  alum., meny.
 - Evil, were impending  alum., crot-h., chin-s., clem., lach., meny., rumx.
 - Evil, committed some  cycl., zinc.
 - Exalted  lac-c., plat.
 - Excited after tea, brain were  hyper.
 - Excited and intoxicated  kali-i.
 - Exhausted  coca
 - Exist any longer, she cannot  thuj.
 - Exist surroundings did not  puls.
 - Existed around him, nothing  agn.
 - Existence for her, outer world had no  nux-m.
 - Existence he had only that moment begun his  camph.
 - Expectant  coca
 - Expecting unpleasant news  mez.
 - Faces, horrible, were looking out of every corner  phos.
 - Failed, memory  puls.
 - Faint, he would  ang., bry., calc., calen., kali-c., lappa, med., nat-m., sabad., sep., sil., stann.
 - Faint, about to  cocc., mag-c., spong., upa., zing.
 - Faint, about to (with qualmishness)  upa.
 - Faint, from emptiness of stomach, he would  bufo
 - Faint, on lying down, he would  sulph.
 - Fainted if he had any longer postponed waking, he would have  carb-v.
 - Fainting, on the verge of  thea
 - Faintness would occur  dig.
 - Fall, one would  apis, bell., calc., caust., chen-a., cupr-ar., coloc., equis., lappa, lyss., mag-m., med., puls., sabin., sep., spig., stram., visc., wies., zinc.
 - Fall, into a fire on walking past it, one would  onos.
 - Fall, not unpleasantly, she would  lappa
 - Fall, about to  mag-p., ambro., rhus-t.
 - Fall, out of bed, he would  arg-n., ars., ars-s-f.
 - Fall, he were elevated and would  mosch.
 - Fall, on dancing, he would  puls.
 - Fall, headlong, he would  gels.
 - Fall, if she did not hold onto something, she would  sabad.
 - Fall, if he looks down or on standing or walking, he would  spig.
 - Fall, if he looks down on going downstairs, he would  onos.
 - Fall, on looking up, he would  puls.
 - Fall, from a seat, he would  alumn.
 - Fall, from a height  calen.
 - Fall, back on getting out of bed  rhus-t.
 - Fall, in open space, he would  ars.
 - Fall, on standing, he would  oxyt., samars.
 - Fall, at every step, he would  dor.
 - Fall, if he turns his head, he would  spig.
 - Fall, if she walks  iod.
 - Fall, when walking, he would  calc., iod.
 - Fall, backward, one would  chin., dub., spong., staph.
 - Fall, backward or to one side, he would  calc., nux-v.
 - Fall, to left, she would  aur., merl.
 - Fall, to one side, he would  am-m., calc., rheum
 - Fall, to one side, head would  spong.
 - Fall, on one side, head would  spong.
 - Fall, on one side on rising, he would  squil.
 - Fall, from side to side, brain were loose and would  sul-ac.
 - Fall, in all directions, head would  cann-s.
 - Fall, to right, he would  itu, sacch-l.
 - Fall, to right side when at a height  zinc.
 - Fall, to right when walking, he would  ruta
 - Fall, to left, he would  calc., dirc., nat-m.
 - Fall, forward, one would  chel., chlf., nat-m., petr., phos., ruta, sil., spig., tarax.
 - Fall, forward, she must  nat-hchls.
 - Fall, forward, head would  agn.
 - Fall, forward and backward, she were going to  rhus-t.
 - Fall, forward on rising from seat, he would  vib.
 - Fall, forward when stooping, he would  berb., puls.
 - Fall, forward, turning around in head, head would  cupr.
 - Fall, forward on walking, head would  calad., hipp.
 - Fall, over, he would  ars., zinc.
 - Fall, down on head, he would  chim.
 - Fall, on him, something would  tarent.
 - Falling  bism., med., stram., tub., upa.
 - Falling in children  gels.
 - Falling asleep, he were  asar., mur-ac.
 - Falling when asleep  vib.
 - Falling when awakening  guaj., sec.
 - Falling toward right side  camph.
 - Falling to left  eup-pur.
 - Falling if he turns to right or left  der.
 - Falling deep down  bell.
 - Falling forward  gels., pic-ac., xanth.
 - Falling backward  prim-v.
 - Falling off seat  stram.
 - Falling to pieces about her, room were  cann-i.
 - Falling backward through space  kali-n.
 - Falling backward, head were  chin-s.
 - Falling from a height, she were  mosch.
 - Falling out of bed, head were  arg-m.
 - Falling through bed  bell., dulc., lach., rhus-t., sacch.
 - Falling to pieces, whole body were  xanth.
 - Falling or sinking on closing eyes, bed were  sec.
 - Falling inward, walls of room were  arg-n., carb-v.
 - Falling hole close by, into which he were in danger of  carbn-s.
 - Falling on her, houses were  sabad.
 - Far-off  med.
 - Far-off in head  sec.
 - Farewell to a near friend, she had bid  rhus-t.
 - Faster, and faster, someone were reading after her so she must read  mag-m.
 - Fatigue were forever banished  cann-s.
 - Feeling for pins  sil.
 - Feet would slip from under her  nicc.
 - Fell, he suddenly  clem.
 - Felt that things were near him even when not looking at them  valer.
 - Fermenting, everything were  nux-v.
 - Fever, he had awakened from a  cic.
 - Fever, were coming on  vichy-g.
 - Fit, she were going to have a  lyss.
 - Fitted into each corner of room, part of head  cann-i.
 - Float in air, she were so light she would  manc., tep.
 - Float to and fro on writing, things  anag.
 - Float off, top of cranium were about to  nat-hchls.
 - Floating  bell., bry., cocain., lach., op., pen., xanth.
 - Floating in a boat  bell.
 - Floating over everything in the way  samars.
 - Floating body and limbs did not touch bed  stict.
 - Floating in air, she were  cocain., mosch., nux-m., stict., valer.
 - Floating off, head were  jug-r., samars.
 - Floating in air, legs were  stict.
 - Floating in clouds, ideas were  dat-a.
 - Floating outside his brain, ideas were  dat-a.
 - Floating bed were  con.
 - Floating of images of fancy, head were moving up and down, with a similar  zinc.
 - Floating through air, when sitting  xanth.
 - Floor were not there  samars.
 - Floor were sinking  lepi.
 - Floor were soft like wool, on walking  xanth.
 - Fly, he were so light he could  camph.
 - Fly, he were raised from ground and could  cann-i.
 - Fly, he must  ars-s-f.
 - Fly, away, she must  bell., verat.
 - Fly, she would  tub.
 - Fly, (in female complaints) she would  lil-t.
 - Fly, to pieces, he would  lact.
 - Flying  jug-r., op., valer.
 - Flying round and round, head were  eup-pur.
 - Flying or swimming in air  calc-ar., manc., valer.
 - Fog in brain  sulph.
 - Forced him out of bed, something  rhus-t.
 - Forgetful, absent  bar-c.
 - Forgotten something, he had  mill.
 - Forgotten something, he does not know what  iod.
 - Forsaken by a near friend, she had been  rhus-t.
 - Frail and easily broken  thuj.
 - Friendless and forsaken when awaking in morning  lach.
 - Fright on waking, in a  bell.
 - Fright after sleep, in a  apis, phys.
 - Frightened  bor., calc-p., iber., nat-a., paeon., psor., sacch-l., ter., zinc.
 - Frightened he were terribly  stram.
 - Frightened he had been  bapt., calc-p., merc.
 - Frightened by a dream  bor.
 - Frightened on waking  bell., magn-gr., m-aust., samb., sars., zinc.
 - Frightened and indefinable dread with trembling  iber.
 - Frightened by vision behind him  lach.
 - Fumes of whiskey had gone to his head  ars-met.
 - Functions must act, yet cannot (spell-bound)  pop.
 - Gather ideas from a far, he had to  dat-a.
 - Gave way under him, everything  sanic.
 - Gave way under him, ground  kali-br., tep.
 - Get out of her body in some way, she would become crazy if she could not  lac-c.
 - Giddiness, overpowering, were coming over her  con.
 - Giddy  aml-ns., bell., bufo, gels., sacch.
 - Giddy (drunk)  ferr.
 - Glass and easily broken, body were made of  thuj.
 - Gliding along  bell.
 - Gliding in air when walking  asar.
 - Glittering, objects were too bright and  camph.
 - Gnashing their teeth around his bed, he heard wild beasts  ars.
 - Go round and round, brain seemed to  sabad.
 - Go from under him, legs would  staph.
 - Go out of his mind, he would  kali-br.
 - Going up, feet were  ph-ac.
 - Going out of mind  cot.
 - Grasp any thought, he could not  phos.
 - Grew larger and longer, one  plat.
 - Grief, great, weighed upon him  con.
 - Grief, or sorrow, laboring under some  am-m.
 - Ground or stairs came up to meet him  pic-ac.
 - Ground gave way beneath his feet  digin., kali-br., tep.
 - Ground were moving  clem.
 - Ground she would hardly touch  ars-met.
 - Ground were unsteady or sank  tep.
 - Ground on walking he did not touch  calc-ar., camph., peti., tep., thuj.
 - Ground he stood on wavering  sulph.
 - Ground were wavering on closing eyes  chlf.
 - Guilt, great, weighed upon him  con.
 - Guilty of some deed of which others knew: could not look one in the face  cob.
 - Hammock, bed were swaying from side to side like a  tub.
 - Hammock, one were swinging above treetops in a  coff-t.
 - Hand, delicate, were smoothing her  med.
 - Hands of a stronger power, he were in  lach.
 - Hanging over him, some overwhelming calamity were  calen.
 - Hanging over a chair were a person, something  calc.
 - Hanging with head downward, he were  glon.
 - Happen, accident would  mag-c., mag-s.
 - Happen, something were going to  aml-ns., lappa, lyss., mosch., nat-a., nat-m., nicc., pyrus, xanth.
 - Happen, something dreadful were going to  aml-ns., lappa, med., thea
 - Happen, some evil were going to  meny.
 - Happen, something horrible were going to  elaps, pall.
 - Happen, some great misfortune were going to  calc., ign., rhus-t., vichy-g.
 - Happen, something unpleasant were going to  caust., glon., lyss., mag-c., mag-s.
 - Happen, something were going to (with sense of horror)  tub.
 - Happen, something terrible were going to  lyss., onos., pyrus
 - Head were another strange head  ther.
 - Head there were no  cocc.
 - Head were on a pillow but did not know where rest of body was  pyrog.
 - Head were falling out of bed  arg-m.
 - Hears voices of people far away  anac.
 - Heaven or hell, he did not care if he went to  med.
 - Heaven with most wonderful visions, he were in  calc-ar.
 - Heaven he were in  op.
 - Heaviness of head  puls.
 - Heavy and thick, atmosphere in room were  agn.
 - Heavy for bed and it would break down unless supported, he were too  ovi-p.
 - Held up high when sitting, he were  rhus-t.
 - Hell or heaven, he did not care if he went to  med.
 - Herself, she were not  puls.
 - High building, stepped from a  dub.
 - High steps were too  tab.
 - Higher than the houses, he were  camph.
 - Hold her head straight, she could not  lyss.
 - Hole close by into which he were in danger of falling  carbn-s.
 - Homesick, melancholy  sacch-l.
 - House, he were not in his  op.
 - House, burning, he saw his neighbors  hep.
 - House, were turned upside down (vertigo)  bufo
 - Houses on both sides of street would approach and crush him  arg-n.
 - Houses were falling on her  sabad.
 - Houses move as she walks  tep.
 - Houses at a distance turn bottom upward  eug.
 - Hover in air, she would  manc.
 - Hovering in air  manc., nux-m., op., stict., valer.
 - Hovering in air like a spirit (when walking in open air)  asar.
 - Hurry, everything must be done in a  sul-ac.
 - Ideas from a far, he had  dat-a.
 - Ideas were floating outside his brain  dat-a.
 - Ideas were floating in clouds  dat-a.
 - Ideas prevented him from completing work, a rush of  stann.
 - Ill, he were going to be very  podo.
 - Illness, severe, were impending  nicc.
 - Ill-treated by everyone  sumb.
 - Imminent, death were  puls.
 - Impelled to commit some horrible crime  thea
 - Impelled by an invisible agent, he slid along the ground  op.
 - Impelled to commit suicide, he were  thea
 - Impelled to commit suicide by drowning, he were  dros.
 - Impelled to do reckless things  lyss.
 - Impended, something unpleasant  agar., caust.
 - Impending, some horrible calamity were  rhus-t.
 - Impending, danger were  camph., macro.
 - Impending, evil were  alum., crot-h., lach., meny., rumx.
 - Impending, severe illness were  nicc.
 - Impending, misfortune were  aster., aur-m., calc., chin-s., clem., cycl., graph., kali-p., psor., puls., sanic., sulph., vichy-g.
 - Impending, some great misfortune were  sulph.
 - Impending, trouble were  am-c.
 - Impending, something were  nat-a.
 - Imperative duties hurried her, with utter inability to perform them  lil-t.
 - Impossible to think, it were  onos.
 - Incline to right side, head would constantly  ferr.
 - Inconsolable  stram.
 - Individuals, she were two  lil-t.
 - Inferior, persons about her were mentally and physically  plat.
 - Inflated, head were (with confusion)  merl.
 - Influenced him at the same time, two entirely different trains of thought  lyss.
 - Insane, she were going  cann-i., syph.
 - Insensible in vertigo, he would become  nat-ns.
 - Insulted, he had been  cham., cocc., sulph.
 - Interest in anything, he felt no  nux-v.
 - Intelligence, he had received joyful  lyss.
 - Intoxicated see also Drunk
 - Intoxicated  agar., ang., bufo, carb-ac., chin-s., chlor., cic., cocc., cor-r., cot., croc., cur., ferr., gels., glon., hydr., hyos., jug-r., kali-br., kali-c., lact., lil-t., lyc., m-aust., med., merl., mez., mill., nicc., nux-m., nux-v., op., petr., ph-ac., phos., pip-m., psor., ptel., puls., ran-b., raph., rat., rhod., rhus-t., sabad., sec., sep., sol-n., spig., sulph., sulo-ac., tab., tarax., thuj., valer., verat.
 - Intoxicated when trying to move  gels.
 - Intoxicated by degraded blood, brain were  crot-h.
 - Intoxicated while undressing  sec.
 - Intoxicated he had been  iodof., kali-c., rheum
 - Intoxicated he were pleasantly  oxyt.
 - Intoxicated at 4 p.m.  and in evening  cench.
 - Intoxicated and excited  kali-i.
 - Intoxicated on seeing flowing water when walking  ferr.
 - Intoxicated in room but not in open air  croc.
 - Intoxication, dullness as after  squil.
 - Island, she were on a distant  phos.
 - Isolated from world  coca
 - Jostling against everyone she meets  acon.
 - Journey, after a long  chin-ar.
 - Jump out of window, one were impelled to  thea
 - Kill people when in street, he ought to  camph.
 - Kill her, her mother wants to  sacch-l.
 - Killed, she were being  sulph.
 - Know where one were, one did not  cann-s., glon., merl.
 - Laboring under grief or sorrow  am-m.
 - Lady, she were a noble  phos.
 - Large enough, bed were not  sulph.
 - Large one were  arg-n., caj., par.
 - Large sometimes very small and then very  sulph.
 - Large room were too  tub.
 - Large all things and persons were too small and too low, and they were too  plat.
 - Larger and larger, one were growing  aur., plat., stram.
 - Laughing at her whenever she goes into street, men were  bar-c.
 - Lawsuit or dispute, causing uneasiness and anxiety, he were in a  nit-ac.
 - Lazy to move, one were too  eucal.
 - Learn anew everything she wished to do, she would have to  sep.
 - Legs and arms, he has too many  pyrog.
 - Legs he would stumble over his own  caj.
 - Legs were all over sidewalk  kali-br.
 - Legs were going out from under him with slightest gust of wind  staph.
 - Lie down, she must  nux-m.
 - Lie down in street, she could  kali-c.
 - Lie down all the time, she would like to  sabad.
 - Lies down beside him, another person  petr.
 - Life in him, he had no (weakness)  dub.
 - Life he wished to take his own  rhus-t.
 - Life were unreal  med.
 - Life were in danger from assassination or poison  plb.
 - Lifted from couch, she were being  stroph-h.
 - Lifted high in air, she were being  hyper.
 - Light  gels., lach.
 - Light head were  sarr.
 - Light head were too  jab.
 - Light body were very  mez.
 - Light everything about body were too  dig.
 - Light she could float in air, she were so  manc., tep.
 - Light and could fly, he were  camph.
 - Light she did not touch ground when walking, she were so  tep.
 - Light on walking, she were very  spig., tep., thuj.
 - Lighter and could fly, not touching ground  camph.
 - Limbs, she had no  stram.
 - Liquor, dullness, he had taken  sabad.
 - Liquor, he had taken  bapt.
 - Liquor, under the influence of  pip-m.
 - Live, she could not  vib.
 - Living, he could not make a  chlor.
 - Locomotive, about to be run over by a  phos.
 - Longer, time were  pall.
 - Longer, and longer, he were growing  plat., stram.
 - Look one in face because of guilt (though not guilty), he could not  cob.
 - Looking out of every corner, horrible faces were  phos.
 - Looking down, he were  phos.
 - Looking over her shoulder, strange persons were  brom.
 - Loose, brain were  phos., spig.
 - Lose consciousness, he would  brom., dig., dios., oxyt., plat., thea
 - Lose consciousness on lying down  agar.
 - Lose consciousness, she would become dizzy and  mag-m.
 - Lose all self-control, she would  gels., samars.
 - Lose her reason, she would  acon., cupr., glon., iris-t., lil-t., phys.
 - Lose her senses, she would  calc., cann-s., gels., nat-s., psor., sulph.
 - Losing his reason, he were  kali-bi., merc.
 - Losing senses, she were gradually  sil.
 - Lost (before headache)  cot.
 - Lost consciousness, he momentarily  lyss.
 - Lost her will-power, she had partly  nit-ac.
 - Lying, she did not touch bed when  asar., chin., coff., lac-c., nat-m., nux-v., op., rhus-t., spig., stram., thuj.
 - Lying, in bed, she were not  hyper.
 - Lying, very heavy in bed  hyper.
 - Lying, down, one would lose consciousness on  agar.
 - Lying, on one side she were one person and when lying on other side another person  pyrog.
 - Lying, on a large snake  lac-c.
 - Lying, in bed with him, a strange boy were  apis
 - Lying, down beside her, a huge drunken man were coming toward her and  cic.
 - Man were coming toward her and lying down beside her, a huge drunken  cic.
 - Man were present who was not (delirium)  hyos.
 - Marble statue, he were a  cann-i.
 - Medicine or had been poisoned, he had taken  lina.
 - Memory failed  puls.
 - Men or devil on account of crimes he had never committed, he were persecuted by  zinc.
 - Men were laughing at her on street  bar-c.
 - Menaced him, danger  fl-ac.
 - Mental acts were performed in stomach  acon.
 - Mice in bed, there were  colch.
 - Mind on anything, inability to fix  con.
 - Mind he would go out of his  kali-br.
 - Mind he were going out of his  eup-per., ham., ol-j.
 - Mind on walking, he were going out of  cot.
 - Mind were separated from body  anac.
 - Miscaries, everything  nux-v.
 - Misfortune, great, were going to happen  calc., ign., rhus-t., vichy-g.
 - Misfortune, were impending  aster., aur-m., calc., clem., cupr., cycl., kali-p., psor., sanic., sulph., vichy-g.
 - Misfortune, he dreaded  rhus-t.
 - Misfortune, to himself, he foresaw a  spong.
 - Misfortune, would overtake him, some  cupr.
 - Misfortune, oppressed by some  hura
 - Misfortune, would befall him, some personal  crot-t.
 - Monster would come from under her chair, some horrid  lac-c.
 - Motion, air itself were in tremulous (fever)  sabad.
 - Motion, bed were in  lac-c.
 - Motion, all within head were in  verat.
 - Motion, everything were in  sabad.
 - Motion, everything were making a see-saw  cycl.
 - Motion, objects were in  kali-cy., mosch., sep., thuj.
 - Mountain, he were climbing a steep  prun.
 - Mountain, he were descending a  cycl.
 - Mouse ran under her chair  cimic.
 - Move, yet, >> by motion, she could not  hom.
 - Move, in all directions everything about him began to  tab.
 - Moved slowly, everything about him  hydr-ac.
 - Moved around him, objects  nux-v., sep.
 - Moved couch (vertigo)  plb.
 - Moved in a circle on stooping, everything  sol-n.
 - Moved rapidly and confusedly, all about her  sang.
 - Moved backward and forward, objects  carb-ac.
 - Moved to right, all objects  nat-sal.
 - Moving in all directions, head were  eup-pur.
 - Moving around one, objects were  sep.
 - Moving to and fro when sitting and lying, he were  thuj.
 - Moving up and down with a similar floating of images of fancy, head were  zinc.
 - Moving brain were (vertigo)  cycl.
 - Moving around, everything were  anac.
 - Moving from side to side, everything were  cic.
 - Moving ground were  clem.
 - Moving when walking, all houses were  tep.
 - Moving to and fro, his seat were  thuj.
 - Moving in a circle when stooping, things were  sol-n.
 - Moving and jarring her, she were in railway car which was  sang.
 - Moving in a new world  camph.
 - Moving up and down, objects were  phos.
 - Moves to and fro, everything  form.
 - Muddled, brain were  coca
 - Murder someone, he would  hep.
 - Murder him, someone were coming to  tab.
 - Music, under influence of pleasant and quick  zinc-p.
 - Net, in a  nat-m.
 - New and he had never seen them, all things appear  stram.
 - News, expecting joyful  lyss., valer.
 - News, bad, about to arrive  aster.
 - News, unpleasant, he would hear  dros., lyss.
 - News, expecting unpleasant  lyss., mez.
 - News, agitated by unpleasant  alumn.
 - Noble lady, she were a  phos.
 - Nobody, he were a  agn.
 - Nothing, he could do  lyss.
 - Nothing, existed around him  agn.
 - Nothing, could give her any enjoyment  stram.
 - Objects about him were estranging him  valer.
 - Objects leave their place and follow her  coff-t.
 - Objects moved to right  nat-sal.
 - Objects reel  bell., bry., glon.
 - Objects run into each other  iris-foe.
 - Objects turned upside down  guan.
 - Objects waver  grat., til.
 - Objects were in motion  kali-cy., mosch., sep., thuj.
 - Objects were too far off (vertigo)  anac., stann.
 - Occurred a week ago, things done today  med.
 - Opiate, he were under influence of an  cann-i.
 - Oppressed  carb-v.
 - Oppressed by some misfortune  hura
 - Outside patient, a second self  bapt.
 - Outside of herself and could see into herself  pyrus
 - Paralyzed  agar., cist., cycl., sacch., sang.
 - Paralyzed about to be  syph.
 - Paralyzed will were  carb-v., pop.
 - Paralyzed after a short walk  con.
 - Pass a certain point on walking without falling, he could not  arg-n.
 - Passed over him, a cloud  samars.
 - Pendulum, vertigo were like vibration of a  bell.
 - Performed in stomach, mental acts were  acon.
 - Persecuted by men or the devil on account of crimes he had never done  zinc.
 - Persecuted in visions  hyos.
 - Person, she existed in another  pyrog.
 - Person, lies alongside him, another  petr.
 - Person, she were one person while lying on one side and some other person when lying on other side  pyrog.
 - Person, had seen what he saw and had said what he himself had said, another  alum.
 - Person, had touched him quietly on both sides  bapt.
 - Persons were looking over her shoulder, strange  brom.
 - Persons about her were inferior  plat.
 - Persons two, lay in her bed and the body of the other overlapped hers by half  cycl.
 - Persons she were two  lil-t.
 - Pieces and could not get them adjusted, he were in several  phos.
 - Pieces and it were only by a great effort she kept herself together; it would be a relief to a fall to  sacch-l.
 - Pieces whole body were falling to  xanth.
 - Pillow, head were on a: but did not know where rest of his body was  pyrog.
 - Pitch forward, he would  senec.
 - Pitch forward on face when walking, he would  ter.
 - Pitch every nerve were strung to hightest  pip-m.
 - Place, he were in a strange  cic., tub.
 - Poison, he had taken  caj., euph.
 - Poisoned, he had taken medicine or had been  lina.
 - Power, she were in hands of a stronger  lach.
 - Power, of moving were lost  m-aust.
 - Pregnant  verat.
 - Pressed forward, he were elevated and  calc.
 - Prevented him from completing work, a rush of ideas  stann.
 - Projected from head that he could not see over, something  phel.
 - Prompting to offensive things, a demon sits on neck  anac.
 - Prostrated, extremely  eup-per.
 - Provocation, least, would enrage (with mirth)  sumb.
 - Pulled backward  samars.
 - Pulled backward, he were (with headache)  merc.
 - Pulled and torn into threads  plat.
 - Pursuing him, someone were  anac., merc.
 - Pushed forward, head were suddenly  ferr-p.
 - Railroad car, she were in a  sang.
 - Raised up, he were being  sil.
 - Raised from ground and could fly  cann-i.
 - Ran under her chair, a mouse  cimic.
 - Ran against something  arg-m.
 - Reach to clouds, arms, face, tongue, and forepart of brain seems to  pic-ac.
 - Reading after her so that she must read faster and faster, someone were  mag-m.
 - Real, things were not  cann-s.
 - Reality, everything perceived had no  anac.
 - Reason would leave him  tanac.
 - Reason from pain, one were losing one's  kali-bi.
 - Reason were losing his  merc., nat-m.
 - Reason she would lose her  acon., cupr., glon., iris-t., lil-t., phys.
 - Receded, everything approached and  cic.
 - Reeled around her, things  merc-i-r.
 - Reeled to and fro, head  carb-v.
 - Reeling  spig.
 - Reeling from side to side  gamb.
 - Reeling when at rest  tax.
 - Reeling all objects were  bell., bry., glon.
 - Reproved, he expected to be  dig.
 - Respiration, whole attention must be centered on act of  chlor.
 - Rest, enemies allowed him no  dros.
 - Reveling all night, he had been  rhod.
 - Revolving on axis  nux-v.
 - Rid her mind of the torture, she must do something to  med.
 - Riding when lying down, agg. closing eyes  ferr.
 - Riding with closed eyes  cycl.
 - Rise up again if one stopped, one could not  bry., puls., rhus-t.
 - Rising, chair on which he were sitting were  phos.
 - Rising, before him, sidewalk were  spig.
 - Rising, when walking, street were  sep.
 - Rocked, one were being  bell., calad., nat-m.
 - Rocked, when lying down and closing eyes, he were  calad., nat-m.
 - Rolling about in head (vertigo), something were  sep.
 - Rolling over like a ball  samars.
 - Rolling over bedclothes, balls of fire were  stram.
 - Room were full of strange men, passing in and out, who wanted to take her away  bell.
 - Room in it, someone would get into his bed and there would be no  nux-v.
 - Room were too large  tub.
 - Room were too small  cycl.
 - Room were falling to pieces about her  cann-i.
 - Room went round  calc-caust., cann-s., cod., dub., grat., kali-bi.
 - Round and round, brain whirled  sabad.
 - Round and round, objects were turning  laur.
 - Round and round, head were flying  eup-pur.
 - Round and round when looking at water, everything went  ferr.
 - Round and round, objects go  psor.
 - Round room went  calc-caust., cann-s., cod., dub., grat., kali-bi.
 - Rouse him, someone were trying to  cur.
 - Rousing him from a dream  carb-v.
 - Rowdies would break in if alone  elaps
 - Ruined, he will be  puls.
 - Run as never before, he could  agar.
 - Run a long way, he could  coca
 - Run away, she had to  ars-met.
 - Run backward, he were chased and had to  sep.
 - Run up and down and scream, she would like to  calc.
 - Run into each other, objects  iris-foe.
 - Said it, another person had  alum.
 - Scattered about  bapt.
 - Scream, he must  lil-t.
 - Scream, unless he held on to something, he would  sep.
 - Scream, would like to run up and down and  calc.
 - Sea, one were at  cocc.
 - Seasick, one were  tab.
 - Seasick, after riding on horseback in dark  sanic.
 - Seasickness (vertigo as from)  magn-gr.
 - Seat were balancing to and fro when closing eyes  thuj.
 - Seat were tottering  chlf.
 - Seat were undulating when sitting up in bed in morning  zinc.
 - Second self outside of patient, there were  tab.
 - See something if he turned around, he would  brom.
 - See into herself, she were outside of herself and could  pyrus
 - Seeking something, he were  stram.
 - Seen what he had seen, and said what he himself had said, another person had  alum.
 - Self-control, one would lose all  gels., samars.
 - Self-control, consciousness were outside of body  alum.
 - Self outside patient, a second  bapt.
 - Self and is not sure which will conquer the other, there were another  op.
 - Senses, impossible to collect his  cham., hyos.
 - Senses, she would lose her  agar., calc., cann-s., sulph.
 - Senses, when thinking long about anything, she would lose her  ars.
 - Senses, one would lose one's  brom., cupr., gels., nat-s., psor.
 - Senses, she were gradually losing her  sil.
 - Senses, would vanish  plat., ran-b.
 - Senses, deprived of his  cycl.
 - Separate from him, strange thoughts were  sabad.
 - Separated from body, spirit were  anac.
 - Separated from body, mind were  anac.
 - Separated soul and body were  cann-i., thuj.
 - Separated from himself in evening  sabad.
 - Separated from whole world, he were  anac.
 - Settled over her, heavy black cloud had  cimic.
 - Shocks, he fell suddenly from electric  clem.
 - Shoved forward when driving  ferr.
 - Shoved forward when lying down  ferr.
 - Shut in a dark cellar (anxiety)  nat-p.
 - Sick  tarax.
 - Sick persons, two, in bed, one of whom recovered and the other did not  sec.
 - Sidewalk were rising before him  spig.
 - Side who does everything he does, someone by his  ars.
 - Sin, she had committed the unpardonable  chel., med.
 - Sink away, she were going to  lyss.
 - Sink down and die, he would  asar.
 - Sink through bed, she would  chin-s.
 - Sinking down in bed, everything were  lyc.
 - Sinking deep down in bed, she were  bry.
 - Sinking through bed  bell., dulc., lach., rhus-t.
 - Sinking from under her, bed were  kali-c.
 - Sinking or falling on closing eyes: bed and all were going down  sec.
 - Sinking down, bed and patient were  lach.
 - Sinking when working in a hot room  glon.
 - Sinking and would die  asar.
 - Sinking through floor, he were  phos.
 - Sitting too high  aloe
 - Sitting in wet  morph.
 - Sits on his neck prompting to offensive things, a demon  anac.
 - Sleep, deprived of  rhus-t.
 - Sleep, he would die on going to  lach.
 - Sleep, loss of  merl., zinc.
 - Sleep, he had too little  rheum
 - Sleep, just awakened from  mang.
 - Sleep, going to  lappa, plat.
 - Sleep, were in air, on going to  tell.
 - Sleep, going into a state of deep  camph.
 - Sleep, in a stupid  ant-t.
 - Sleep, (confusion) he ought to  ant-t.
 - Sleep, in a sound  visc.
 - Sleep, someone would disturb his  agar.
 - Sleepy  merl., nat-m., nux-m.
 - Slept enough, he had not  ars., bapt., calc., colch., con., dig., eucal., luna, magn-gr., mill., nux-v., phos., ran-b., ruta, sulph., thuj.
 - Slept he had not  lac-ac., rhus-t.
 - Slept in morning, he had not  bell., ham.
 - Slept all night, he had  euph., lina.
 - Slid along ground impelled by an invisible agent  op.
 - Slip from under her, feet would  nicc.
 - Slipped back and forth beneath her, ground  tep.
 - Small, everything around her were very  plat.
 - Small, and sometimes very large, sometimes very  sulph.
 - Small, room were too  cycl.
 - Smaller than they really were, objects were  stram.
 - Smaller one were  carb-v.
 - Smaller everything were  plat.
 - Smoke on brain  op.
 - Smoothing her, a delicate hand were  med.
 - Smother on falling asleep, she would  arum-t.
 - Snake, she were lying on a  lac-c.
 - Snakes, he were surrounded by myriads of  lac-c.
 - Sneaking up behind her, someone were  sanic.
 - Soft like wool on walking, floor were  xanth.
 - Someone else, she were  cann-s., lach.
 - Someone else and in hands of a stronger power  lach.
 - Someone would get into his bed and there would be no room in it  nux-v.
 - Someone were behind one  brom., crot-h., lach., med., sacch-l., tub.
 - Someone were behind him when in bathtub  samars.
 - Someone were coming up behind him  staph.
 - Someone would come and disturb his sleep  agar.
 - Someone by his side who does everything he does  ars.
 - Someone had sold his bed  nux-v.
 - Someone were pursuing him  anac.
 - Someone were reading after her so that she must read faster and faster  mag-m.
 - Someone were sneaking up behind him  sanic.
 - Someone else were speaking  cann-s.
 - Someone were walking beside her  calc.
 - Something were under bed making a noise  bell.
 - Something forced him out of bed nights  rhus-t.
 - Something hanging over a chair were a person  calc.
 - Sorrow or grief, laboring under some  am-m.
 - Soul and body were separated  cann-i., thuj.
 - Speaking, someone else were  cann-s.
 - Spell, she were charmed and could not break the  lach.
 - Spell, bound; all functions must act yet cannot  pop.
 - Spirit had separated from body  anac.
 - Staggering  carb-ac.
 - Staggering (too weak)  olnd.
 - Stairs or ground were coming up to meet him  pic-ac.
 - Stand up, when sitting she must  sep.
 - Standing, faintness would occur while  dig.
 - Standing, on head  ph-ac.
 - Standing, on wavering ground  sulph.
 - Standing, Securely, he were not  asar., calc-a.
 - Stepped from a high building  dub.
 - Stepped on empty space  dub.
 - Stepping on air  nat-m.
 - Stepping on down when walking  der.
 - Steps as easy as one, she could take ten  puls.
 - Stimulant had been taken  nux-v., sabad.
 - Stones were sinking under his feet when crossing a stone bridge  nat-m.
 - Stood alone in world, she were left entirely to herself and  plat.
 - Stood on wavering ground  sulph.
 - Stool, he would be obliged to go to (vertigo)  spig.
 - Strain herself, she could easily  sep.
 - Strange boy lying in bed with him  apis
 - Strange head, head were another  ther.
 - Strange person were at his side  thuj.
 - Strange place, he were in a  cic., tub.
 - Strange everything in room were strange  tub.
 - Strange and horrible, everything were  plat.
 - Strange thoughts were separate from him  sabad.
 - Strange objects were  cann-s.
 - Strange well-known street were  glon.
 - Stranger were beside him  anac.
 - Strangers, he were in midst of  aster.
 - Street were strange, a well-known  glon.
 - Street were rising when walking  sep.
 - Strength were failing, all his  coloc.
 - Strike anyone in face who spoke to him, he would like to  nux-v.
 - Struck with apoplexy  kali-cy., tarent.
 - Strung to highest pitch, nerves were  pip-m.
 - Study, head were dull from too much  nat-n.
 - Stumble over his own legs, he would  caj.
 - Stunned  laur.
 - Stupefied  nux-v., olnd., rhus-t., staph.
 - Stupefied head were  rheum
 - Stupefied in morning  thuj.
 - Stupefied from coal gas  zinc.
 - Stupefied from night reveling  nux-v.
 - Stupefied as after tobacco smoking  spig.
 - Stupid if head were held erect  nux-v.
 - Stupid in left half of head  psor.
 - Stupid after a debauch  psor.
 - Suction, bound to bed by  sars.
 - Suicide, impelled to commit  thea
 - Suicide, by drowning, impelled to commit  dros.
 - Suicide, though she has a great aversion to it, she would commit (on seeing knives)  alum.
 - Sun pushed her down and she had to rest in shade in order to walk on  psor.
 - Sunk deep in bed, he had  xanth.
 - Superior power, under influence of a  thuj.
 - Support himself, he could not  tab.
 - Surrounded by dogs, he were  bell.
 - Surrounded by myriads of snakes, he were  lac-c.
 - Surrounding objects were very small and he were very large  stram.
 - Surroundings did not exist  puls.
 - Surroundings whirled with her  aloe
 - Surroundings or self tottered  anac.
 - Suspended in air  sep.
 - Suspended and not lying in bed  hyper.
 - Suspicious of those about him  hyos.
 - Swashing in brain when walking  spig.
 - Swayed to and fro, objects around him  bell., form.
 - Swaying in head when walking  daph.
 - Swaying to and fro when sitting whole body were  paraf.
 - Swaying back and forth head were constantly  zinc.
 - Swaying back and forth bed were  zinc.
 - Swaying from side to side like a hammock bed were  tub.
 - Swaying about on chair  spong.
 - Swimming in head  ars-h.
 - Swimming brain were  sol-n.
 - Swimming when lying down  ox-ac.
 - Swimming or flying in air  calc-ar., lact., manc., valer.
 - Swing, one were in a  merc.
 - Swing, one were swung to and fro in a  ign.
 - Swinging  sulph.
 - Swinging in bed  camph., lact.
 - Swinging from behind forward, head were  pall.
 - Swinging above tree tops clouds (in hammock)  coff-t.
 - Swung to and fro in a swing or cradle  ign.
 - Swung from behind forward, head were  pall.
 - Take his own life, he wished to  rhus-t.
 - Taken medicine, he had  lina.
 - Taken poison, he had  lina.
 - Taken from him, objects around him had been  valer.
 - Taken stimulant, he had  nux-v., sabad.
 - Talked very rapidly, all around her  sang.
 - Tall, very  eos., stram.
 - Taller, he had grown  pall.
 - Tea, brain were excited after  hyper.
 - Tears, he would burst into  aster., cot.
 - Teeming with live things whirling around it, head were  sil.
 - Telling truth, she were not  macro.
 - Temper, he were in a bad  zinc.
 - Terrified on waking  lyc.
 - Thicker than natural, everything he touched were  coc-c.
 - Thin and delicate, whole body were  thuj.
 - Think outside of himself, he cannot  crot-t.
 - Threads, torn and pulled into  plat.
 - Things done today occurred a week ago  med.
 - Things were not real  cann-s.
 - Things wrong with him, he had a million  samars.
 - Think of words, he could not  verat.
 - Think outside of himself, he cannot  crot-t.
 - Think it were impossible to  onos.
 - Think about something, he knows not what; he ought to  iod.
 - Thought influenced him at same time, two entirely different trains of  lyss.
 - Thoughts, strange, were separate from him  sabad.
 - Thoughts, would suddenly vanish  croc., kali-c.
 - Threatened with epileptic attack  alum.
 - Threatened with fatal accident  alum.
 - Time to arise, it were  dig.
 - Tipping over when sitting or walking  euon-a.
 - Tipsy  spong.
 - Tired, spoke as if  cann-i.
 - Tobacco, vertigo were from  rhod.
 - Together, could not get himself  caj.
 - Together, and it would be a relief to fall to pieces; only by a great effort she kept herself  sacch-l.
 - Top-heavy, head were  cham.
 - Topsy-turvy on walking, head were  cham.
 - Torture, she must do something to rid herself of the  med.
 - Tossed up from below in every direction, objects were  lac-d.
 - Tossing on a rough sea  lac-ac., sacch-l.
 - Tottering, surroundings were  anac.
 - Tottering, seat were  chlf.
 - Touch anything, she could not  pall.
 - Touch bed when lying down, he did not  asar., chin., coff., lac-c., nat-m., nux-v., op., ph-ac., rhus-t., spig., stram., stict., thuj.
 - Touch bed, body and limbs were floating and did not  stict.
 - Touch ground, feet did not  calc-ar.
 - Touch ground, he were lighter and did not  camph.
 - Touch ground when walking, he does not  peti.
 - Touch ground on walking, she were so light she could not  tep.
 - Touch ground, she would hardly  ars-met.
 - Touched earth with his feet, he scarcely  dat-a.
 - Touched him quietly on both sides, some person had  bapt.
 - Transfer himself into another and only then could see, he could  alum.
 - Tread lightly to avoid injuring or disturbing his companions, he must  cupr.
 - Treading on cotton  onos.
 - Trembled and turned in a circle, everything  plb.
 - Trembled and wavered, everything  aml-ns.
 - Trembled but without trembling  carbn-s., med., sul-ac., zinc.
 - Trifles, beside himself with  carl.
 - Trouble were impending  am-c.
 - Trouble every trifle would lead into great  anac.
 - Truth, she were not telling  macro.
 - Tumble, he would  calc.
 - Turn in a circle, head would  bry.
 - Turn in a circle about her, objects  coff-t.
 - Turn bottom upward, houses at a distance  eug.
 - Turn around, she would (fainting, nausea)  alum.
 - Turn around with him on closing eyes, objects  cod.
 - Turned around, one were being  bry.
 - Turned backward and around  ang.
 - Turned around with her, everything  phos.
 - Turned about, bed  nux-v., plb., puls., sin-n.
 - Turned in a circle, everything  agn., bell., cycl., laur., nat-m.
 - Turned in a circle, everything in front of her (when walking)  nat-m.
 - Turned in a half-circle, everything  staph.
 - Turned in a circle for a long time, he had  puls.
 - Turned round and round, everything  laur.
 - Turned in a circle, bed  con.
 - Turned so rapidly that he perceived a current of air produced by the motion, he were  mosch.
 - Turned upside down, house were  bufo
 - Turned upside down, objects  guan.
 - Turned in a circle, everything trembled and  plb.
 - Turned around, he would see something if he  brom.
 - Turning around, body or objects were  cycl., sabad.
 - Turning around, everything were  alum., lyc., mag-c., valer.
 - Turning around, brain were  bry.
 - Turning around, occiput were  iber.
 - Turning around each other, things were  sabad.
 - Turning around in head and would fall forward  cupr.
 - Turning in a circle  alum., anac., arg-n., aur., carl., chel., merc., ruta, tub.
 - Turning in a circle head were  bry.
 - Turning around he were  agar.
 - Turning in a circle, he were  con.
 - Turning in a circle, he had been  thuj.
 - Turning in a circle, everything were  bell., chel., cycl., verat., zinc.
 - Turning in a circle during rest  junc-e.
 - Turning in a circle when stooping  aur-m.
 - Turning rapidly in a circle, bed were  sol-n.
 - Turning in a circle, room were  nux-v.
 - Turning with him in a circle, surroundings were  am-c.
 - Turning on sitting up, everything were  chel.
 - Turning with her, things were  aloe, anac., arn., calc., ferr.
 - Turning round and round, objects were  laur.
 - Turning to left, he were  anac.
 - Turning into urine, she were  lac-ac.
 - Two persons, she were  lil-t.
 - Unable to collect his senses  cham.
 - Unconscious, he would drop  calc.
 - Unconsciousness might follow confusion  syph.
 - Unconsciousness going into a stage of  camph.
 - Understand anything, she could not  sep.
 - Undulating in whole head  indg.
 - Undulating when sitting up in bed in morning, seat were  zinc.
 - Undulating in head and whole body  stroph-h.
 - Unhampered by a material body  chin-b.
 - Unpardonable sin, she had committed the  chel., med.
 - Unpleasant news, he had heard  lyss.
 - Unpleasant news, he would soon hear  mez., lyss.
 - Unpleasant were going to happen, something  agar., glon.
 - Unreal, life were  med.
 - Unreal, everything were  aml-ns.
 - Urine, she were turning into  lac-ac.
 - Vanish, senses would  plat., ran-b.
 - Vanish, thoughts had  kali-c.
 - Vanish, thought would  croc.
 - Vanish, from her, everything would  lyc.
 - Vanished, all senses had  spira.
 - Vanished, thoughts had  kali-c.
 - Vehicle which was moving and jarring her, she were in some  sang.
 - Vertigo would come on  brom.
 - Vertigo proceeded from stomach  kali-c.
 - Vertigo started from left eye  lob.
 - Vertigo were from seasickness  magn-gr.
 - Visions of delight filled his brain all night  op.
 - Visions are real  lach.
 - Voices of absent persons, he heard  cham.
 - Voices of persons far off or dead, he hears  anac.
 - Wafted and drawn forth quickly in direction of legs, always waking him  tell.
 - Waking from a heavy sleep  rheum
 - Walk forever, she could  fl-ac.
 - Walked a long journey, she had  eup-pur.
 - Walked a great distance and were tired, one had  lac-ac.
 - Walked too far  verat.
 - Walking on air  asar., chin., lac-c., nat-m., nux-v., op., phos., rhus-t., thuj.
 - Walking backward when walking forward, he were  sil.
 - Walking beside him, someone were  calc.
 - Walking up and down rooms in his dreams  agar.
 - Walls of room were falling inward  arg-n., carb-v.
 - Watching, after long night  op., vib.
 - Waver, objects  grat., til.
 - Wavered, everything trembled and  aml-ns.
 - Wavering, brain were  phos., sul-ac.
 - Wavering, in brain when walking  phys.
 - Wavering, on closing eyes, ground were  chlf.
 - Wavering, ground, he stood on  sulph.
 - Wavering, objects were  cycl.
 - Wavering, and revolving, brain were  nux-v.
 - Waving lengthwise while lying  merc.
 - Way home were too long  glon.
 - Weighed upon him, a great grief  con.
 - Weight, without  hyos.
 - Went round and round on looking at water, everything  ferr.
 - Went around with her, everything  ferr.
 - Went round, room  calc-caust., cann-s., cod., dub., grat., kali-bi.
 - Where he was, he did not know  cann-s., glon., merl.
 - Where she was or what to do on waking, she could not tell  vib.
 - Whirled around, he had been placed in a coal screen and  eup-per.
 - Whirled round and round, brain  sabad.
 - Whirled about him when standing, everything  bry.
 - Whirled around, everything in head  viol-o.
 - Whirled around, everything  alum.
 - Whirled with her, everything  aloe, rhus-t.
 - Whirled around in head, something  sec.
 - Whirled with her, surroundings  aloe
 - Whirled in a circle, things  verat.
 - Whirling in head  chel., chlf., ovi-p.
 - Whirling in head like a millwheel  chin-s.
 - Whirling in head when thinking  coff.
 - Whirling around it, head were teeming with live things  sil.
 - Whirling around, everything were  zinc.
 - Whirling in opposite direction of he shuts eyes  sabad.
 - Whirling around with her, bed were  nux-v.
 - Whirling room were  nux-v.
 - Whirling with everything round him  op.
 - Wicked deed, she had committed a  cocc.
 - Wild, he would go  lob.
 - Will power, she had partly lost her  nit-ac.
 - Will were paralyzed  pop.
 - Wills, one commanding what other forbids, he had two  anac.
 - Wings, when walking she were carried on  thuj.
 - Wine, he had taken  sabad.
 - Wished to take his own life, he  rhus-t.
 - Withheld from action, mind and body must be in action, and yet  pop.
 - Wobble to and fro, brain seems to  cycl., spira.
 - Wobbling in brain  ars.
 - Wood and couldn't think, back of brain were made of  staph.
 - Wool, on walking floor were soft like  xanth.
 - Work, without fatigue, he could  pip-m.
 - Work, she could not accomplish her  bry.
 - World, outer, had no existence for her  nux-m.
 - World, rested upon him (weakness)  tab.
 - Wrong, something were  kali-br., samars.
 - Wrong, one had done something  ign., nux-m., ruta
 - Wrong, with him, he had a million things  samars.