
Wednesday, 21 March 2012

Abnormal sensations of mind

 Mind and sensorium
 - Absent (forgetful)  bar-c.
 - Accident would happen  mag-c.; mag-s.
 - Accident one were threatened with some fatal  alum.
 - Accomplish her work, she cannot  bry.
 - Accomplished, business never could be  med.
 - Act, yet cannot (spellbound): all functions must  pop.
 - Action and yet withheld from action, mind and body must be  pop.
 - Acts, mental, were performed in stomach  acon.
 - Acts, there were one by his side duplicating his  ars.
 - Afflicted, he had just been  cycl.
 - Afraid of the first thing she sees  stram.
 - Air itself were in tremulous motion (fever)  sabad.
 - Air he were in; on going to sleep quick drawing to feet wakens him  tell.
 - Air he were entering cold  tarent.
 - Air and busy himself, he must go into the  anac.
 - Air she were so light she could float in  manc., tep.
 - Air she were floating in  cocain., nux-m., stict., valer., xanth.
 - Air legs were floating in  stict.
 - Air flying or swimming in  calc-ar., manc., valer.
 - Air on going to sleep he were in  tell.
 - Air when walking, he were gliding in  asar.
 - Air when walking, he were walking on  asar., chin., coff., lac-c., merc-i-f., nat-m., nux-v., op., ph-ac., phos., rhus-t., spig., stram., stict., thuj.
 - Air hovering in, one were  manc., nux-m., op., stict., valer.
 - Air like a spirit (when walking in open air), he were hovering in  asar.
 - Air and tormented by great anxiety lest slightest touch or motion make her fall from the height: she were being lifted high in  hyper.
 - Air suspended in  sep.
 - Air he were walking in  aur-m., lact.
 - Alarm, awakens in  agn.
 - Alighted on floor, bed had gone out from under her and she had  ars.
 - Alone and all about her were dead and still, she were  rhus-t.
 - Animal right through, she were  lach.
 - Apoplexy, he would have  arg-m., brom., carb-v., elaps, ferr., gast., puls., zinc.
 - Apoplexy, fear of having a stroke of  prim-v.
 - Apoplexy, struck with  kali-cy., tarent.
 - Apoplexy, were threatened  colch.
 - Apparition, he wouls see an  brom.
 - Approached and receded, everything  cic.
 - Approaching catastrophe, someone were rapidly  tab.
 - Approaching end were  zinc.
 - Arms and legs, he had too many  pyrog.
 - Around in a circle, head were going  tub.
 - Arousing himself from a dream  carb-v.
 - Arrest him (when door opens), someone were coming to  ruta, tab.
 - Arrested, ideas were  seneg.
 - Asleep  rhus-t., ter.
 - Asleep he were half  con., rheum
 - Asleep left half of head were  calad.
 - Asleep when waking in morning, he had not been  trif-r.
 - Asleep he were just falling  asar.
 - Atmosphere in room were heavy and thick  agn.
 - Atmosphere in a hot  puls.
 - Atmosphere when eating, he were entering a warm  nux-v.
 - Attack him, severe disease were going to  arg-n.
 - Attack threatened with epileptic  alum.
 - Attacked by paralytic stroke, he would be  carb-v.
 - Attention must be centered on act of respiration, his whole  chlor.
 - Awake all night, he had been  puls.
 - Awake she would never get  ang.
 - Awakened, he had just been  cycl.
 - Awakens in alarm  agn.
 - Awakens in morning, she were friendless when she  lach.
 - Awakens in fright  bell.
 - Away from home  aster.
 - Backward when in rocking chair, one were going over  tub.
 - Bad, she had done something  alum.
 - Balance his head (vertigo), he had to  aesc.
 - Balancing himself to and fro  ferr.
 - Balancing over water in crossing a bridge  ferr.
 - Balancing to and fro when closing eyes, seat were  thuj.
 - Balls of fire were rolling over bed-clothes  stram.
 - Barrier between senses and external objects  aeth.
 - Beast under bed, some dreadful  cham.
 - Bed were bounching patient up and down  bell.
 - Bed something forces him out of  rhus-t.
 - Bed by suction and unable to move, he were bound to  sars.
 - Bed she covered the whole  pyrog.
 - Bed head were falling out of  arg-m.
 - Bed one would fall out of  arg-n., ars-s-f.
 - Bed were falling on her  stram.
 - Bed he were falling through  bell., chin-s., dulc., lach., rhus-t., sacch., sec.
 - Bed were being drawn from under her  stram.
 - Bed had gone from under her and she had alighted on the floor  ars.
 - Bed were not large enough  sulph.
 - Bed were in motion, on awaking at night  lac-c.
 - Bed were moving  clem.
 - Bed body were scattered about in  bapt.
 - Bed were sinking  lach.
 - Bed there were mice in  colch.
 - Bed she were sinking down deep in  bry.
 - Bed were sinking down on closing eyes  sec.
 - Bed were sinking from under her  kali-c.
 - Bed everything were sinking down in  lyc.
 - Bed and of the person, sinking of the  lach.
 - Bed sinking through  rhus-t.
 - Bed he had sunken deep in  xanth.
 - Bed were swaying from side to side like a hammock  tub.
 - Bed when lying she did not touch  asar., chin., coff., lac-c., nat-m., nux-v., op., ph-ac., rhus-t., spig., stict., stram., thuj.
 - Bed making a noise, something were under her  bell.
 - Bed turned about  nux-v., plb., puls., sin-n.
 - Bed were turning in a circle  con., sol-n.
 - Behind her, someone were  brom., crot-h., lach., med., sacch-l., tub.
 - Behind him, someone were walking  calc.
 - Behind him when in bath tub, someone were  samars.
 - Belong to her family, she did not  plat.
 - Belong to any one, she did not  puls.
 - Beside himself, he were  puls.
 - Beside himself with trifles  carl.
 - Beside him, someone were walking  calc.
 - Bewildered  xanth.
 - Black cloud settled over her  cimic.
 - Blood ceased to flow (vertigo)  seneg.
 - Boat, he were floating in a  bell.
 - Body, he had no  psor.
 - Body, consciousness were outside of his  alum.
 - Body, in some way, she would become crazy if she could not get out of her  lac-c.
 - Body, were greatly enlarged  bell.
 - Body, spirit had separated from  anac.
 - Body, mind were separated from  anac.
 - Body, were separated, soul and  thuj.
 - Body, were made of glass and easily broken  thuj.
 - Bouncing patient up and down, bed were  bell.
 - Bound to bed by suction and unable to move  sars.
 - Boy, strange, were lying in bed with him  apis
 - Brain were balanced on a slight point and likely at any moment to be turned over  camph.
 - Brandy, he had taken  puls.
 - Break if she lay too long in one position, she would  pyrog.
 - Break the spell, she were charmed and could not  lach.
 - Break in if alone, rowdies would  elaps
 - Break down, she would  arg-m.
 - Broken, whole body were made of glass and were easily  thuj.
 - Buoyant  pip-m.
 - Burning, he saw his neighbor's house  hep.
 - Burst into tears, he would  cot.
 - Business, he had much  phos.
 - Business, never could be accomplished  med.
 - Busy himself, he must go into open air and  anac.
 - Calamity were hanging over him, some overwhelming  calen.
 - Calamity horrible, were impending  rhus-t.
 - Came toward her and frightened her, someone  sol
 - Car, she were in a railroad  sang.
 - Care what happened, he did not  sep.
 - Care for her no one would  lil-t.
 - Carousing, after  phys.
 - Carried somewhere and conversed with another person, she were  raph.
 - Carried on wings when walking  thuj.
 - Catastrophe, someone were rapidly approaching  tab.
 - Chair were rising  phos.
 - Chair were standing in middle of bed, when half asleep  thuj.
 - Changed, everything at home had  arg-n.
 - Charmed and could not break the speel  lach.
 - Child, she must have a  agar.
 - Child, he were a  cic.
 - Circle, head were going around in a  tub.
 - Circle, room were turning in a  nux-v.
 - Climbing a steep mountain, he were  prun.
 - Clothes for a time, though near them could not get  caj.
 - Cloud passed over him  samars.
 - Cloud head were confused by a  crot-t.
 - Heavy, black, had settlee over her  cimic.
 - Clouds, ideas were floating in  dat-a.
 - Coal screen and whirled around, he had been placed in a  eup-per.
 - Collect his sense, impossible to  hyos.
 - Coming down on her, whole house seemed to be  sabad.
 - Coming over her, overpowering giddiness were  con.
 - Coming up behind him, someone were  staph.
 - Coming up to meet him, stairs or ground were  pic-ac.
 - Commingled, objects were  camph.
 - Commit some horrible crime, one were impelled to  thea
 - Commit suicide, he were impelled to  thea
 - Commit suicide by drawning, he were impelled to  dros.
 - Commit suicide (on seeing knives) though she has a great aversion to it, she would  alum.
 - Committed a crime, one had  alum., am-c., carb-v., chel., cocc., cycl., dig., ign., merc., nux-v., puls., rheum, rhus-t., verat., zinc.
 - Committed a crime, conscious of having  zinc-o.
 - Committed the unpardonable sin, she had  chel., med.
 - Committed some evil, one hard  cycl.
 - Communing with self  op.
 - Confined in too small a space  samars.
 - Confused  samars., tub., verat-v.
 - Confused Confusion
 - Confused from insufficient sleep  sulph.
 - Confused smoke in head caused  sul-ac.
 - Conscience, he had a bad  verat.
 - Consciousness, he would lose  brom., dig., dios., mag-m., oxyt., plat., thea
 - Consciousness, momentarily, he had lost  lyss.
 - Consciousness, were outside of his body  alum.
 - Conversed with another person, she were carried somewhere and  raph.
 - Convulsion, going into a  pyrus
 - Convulsion, she would have a  raph.
 - Corner, something were creeping out of every  phos.
 - Corner, of room, part of head fitted into each  cann-i.
 - Corner, horrible faces were looking out of every  phos.
 - Cotton, he were treading on  onos.
 - Couch moved  plb.
 - Covered the whole bed  pyrog.
 - Country, and then in another, now in one  chlol.
 - Crazy, she were  pall., phys., sulph.
 - Crazy, she were half  sanic.
 - Crazy, he were going  iod., tarent.
 - Crazy, he would become  chlor., cimic., lac-c., lil-t., manc., med.
 - Crazy, if she did not hold herself, she would go  lil-t.
 - Crazy, snapping in head were nearly driving him  antip.
 - Crazy, she would go  ail.
 - Creep into his own body, he would crouch together as much as he could and  cimx.
 - Creeping out of every corner, something were  phos.
 - Crime, he had committed a  carb-v., chel., chin-s., cycl., dig., ign., merc., nux-v., puls., rheum, rhus-t., verat., zinc.
 - Crime, had been committed  am-c.
 - Crime, one were impelled to commit some horrible  thea
 - Crime, conscious of having committed  zinc-o.
 - Criminal, he were the greatest  sabad.
 - Crowded with arms and legs, he were  pyrog.
 - Cruel, he would like to do something  abrot.
 - Crush him, houses on both sides of street would approach and  arg-n.
 - Crushed by bedclothes  pic-ac.
 - Crushed by everybody's rushing  tub.
 - Cry, he could  caj.
 - Cry, he could do nothing but  apoc.
 - Cured, he could not be  alum.
 - Danced all night, he had  clem.
 - Danced several nights, he had  sabin.
 - Dancing, he were  agar., puls.
 - Dancing, up and down when walking  ars-s-f.
 - Danger were impending  camph., macro.
 - Danger menaced him  fl-ac.
 - Dazed, mind were  tub.
 - Dead, one were  oena., raph., sil.
 - Dead, and preparations were being made for her funeral  lach.
 - Dead, and still, she were alone and all about her were  rhus-t.
 - Dead, and wishes someone would help her off, she were nearly  lach.
 - Death were approaching  thea
 - Death were close at hand  ant-t., verat.
 - Death were near  puls.
 - Death must result (cardiac trouble)  pop.
 - Death she dreaded  tab.
 - Debauch, one had been up all night or after a  conin., nux-v.
 - Debauch, after a  op.
 - Dead, she had committed a wicked  cocc.
 - Dead, which others knew: could not look anyone in the face, he were guilty of some  cob.
 - Delicate and thin, whole body were  thuj.
 - Delirious  nit-ac.
 - Delirious she would become  gels.
 - Demon sits on his neck prompting to offensive things  anac.
 - Deprived of his senses, he would be  cycl.
 - Deranged, she were going  lac-c.
 - Descending a mountaing  cycl.
 - Detached  samars.
 - Devil on account of crimes he had never done, he were persecuted by men or the  zinc.
 - Devil she were a  kali-br.
 - Die, he would  am-c., asaf., asar., gels., glon., lil-t., med., mur-ac., plat., psor., rhus-t., ruta, sil., sulph.
 - Die, she were going to  caps., caust., croc., lyss., magn-gr., pyrus
 - Die, about to  glon., lyc., phos., plat., raph.
 - Die, from exhaustion, she would  lach.
 - Die, from weakness, one would  asar., lyc., vinc.
 - Die, on going to sleep, she would  lach.
 - Die, before movement, about to  nat-hchls.
 - Die, a sudden death  thea
 - Die, she must  nux-v.
 - Die, one would sink down and  asar.
 - Die, she must lie down and  kali-c.
 - Die, than live, one would rather  xanth.
 - Direction, vertigo moved now in one, now in another  coff-t.
 - Disease, she were a loathsome, horrible mass of  lac-c.
 - Dissolved, body continuity would be  thuj.
 - Dissolving and she were going crazy, brain were  calc.
 - Distance, everything were at a great  magn-gr.
 - Distant island, she were on a  phos.
 - Distant objects were too  anac.
 - Disturb his sleep, someone would come and  agar.
 - Divided into halves and left side did not belong to her, she were  sil.
 - Dizzy  jug-r., stram.
 - Dizzy he would become  malar.
 - Dizzy and lose consciousness, she would become  mag-m.
 - Dizziness commenced in front of ears and pressed to vertex  sal-p.
 - Do anything yet something must be done, unable to  pop.
 - Do nothing, he could  lyss.
 - Do something dreadful while tremblings were on, he were going to  visc.
 - Does everything that he does, someone by his side who  ars.
 - Dogs surrounded him  bell.
 - Done something bad she had  ferr.
 - Double, one person were lying on the right side and another lying on the left, she were  pyrog.
 - Double, and fever would not run alike in both, she were  pyrog.
 - Double, the inner one a little smaller, the outside one loosely put on; when sitting or lying down the inner is all the time urging the outer to get up; she were  anac.
 - Double, existence, she had a  cann-i.
 - Double, one were  bapt.
 - Drawing round in a circle and she could not hold head straight, something were  lyss.
 - Drawing her to the right in morning when walking, something were  sil.
 - Drawn from under her, bed were  stram.
 - Drawn forth and wafted quickly in direction of legs  tell.
 - Drawn from floor, difficult to place foot to floor, one were  euon., atro.
 - Dreaded death  tab.
 - Dreaded misfortune  rhus-t.
 - Dreadful while tremblings were on, she were going to do something  visc.
 - Dreadful had happened, something  med.
 - Dream, in a  ambr., anac., calc., cann-i., con., med., rheum, sang., sars., stram., valer., verat., ziz.
 - Dream, he were arousing himself from a  carb-v.
 - Dreamed everything that happened during the day, one had  lach.
 - Dreaming, he were  valer.
 - Drinking, he had been  aran-sc.
 - Drop, she would  aran.
 - Drop, unconscious, he would  calc.
 - Drugged  op.
 - Drunk See also INTOXICATED
 - Drunk  agar., ant-c., arg-n., asc-t., aur., bell., bufo, chlf., cot., croc., kali-br., meph., mez., nux-m., oena., op., phys., pip-m., querc., sil., stram., sulph., sulo-ac.
 - Drunk he had been  bapt.
 - Drunk all the time  arg-m.
 - Drunk for a week, he had been  onos.
 - Drunk the night before, he had been  bry.
 - Drunk partially  chlol.
 - Drunk affected side were  lat-k.
 - Drunk with cloudiness  alum.
 - Drunk giddy  ferr.
 - Drunk with nausea  acon.
 - Drunk with vertigo  ant-c.
 - Drunk with heavy head  acet-ac.
 - Drunk in head  calc.
 - Drunk on rising  graph.
 - Drunken man were coming toward her and lying down beside her, a huge  cic.
 - Drunken from smoke in brain  op.
 - Dull from loss of sleep, head were  nicc.
 - Dullness from taking liquor  sabad.
 - Dullness as after intoxication  squil.
 - Duplicating his acts, there were one by his side  ars.
 - Duty, he had not done his  cycl., puls.
 - Dying  acon., apis, cact., chlf., morph., op., podo., ther., thyr., vesp., xanth.
 - Earthquake, one were in an  fl-ac.
 - Effort, she kept herself together only by a great  sacch-l.
 - Elevated  phos., rhus-t., sil.
 - Elevated and would fall  mosch.
 - Elevated and pressed forward  calc.
 - Else and moves to edge of bed to make room, she were someone  valer.
 - Emptiness around and under one on standing  kali-br.
 - Emptiness behind one on turning around  kali-c.
 - Empty, head were  lact.
 - End, gradually nearing his  verat.
 - End, were near  graph.
 - End, were approaching  zinc.
 - Enemies allowed him no rest  dros.
 - Engaged in a lawsuit, he were  nit-ac.
 - Enjoyment, nothing could give her any  stram.
 - Enormous size, one were of  cic.
 - Enrage, with mirth, least provocation would  sumb.
 - Estranged from him, objects about him were  valer.
 - Epileptic spasm, she would have an  cina
 - Ether in head, he had taken  cain.
 - Events that occurred in her dreams were not for hours, but for weeks' and months' duration  sang.
 - Evil, he had done  zinc.
 - Evil, power had control of the whole of him except will-power  cann-s.
 - Evil, were going to happen, some  alum., meny.
 - Evil, were impending  alum., crot-h., chin-s., clem., lach., meny., rumx.
 - Evil, committed some  cycl., zinc.
 - Exalted  lac-c., plat.
 - Excited after tea, brain were  hyper.
 - Excited and intoxicated  kali-i.
 - Exhausted  coca
 - Exist any longer, she cannot  thuj.
 - Exist surroundings did not  puls.
 - Existed around him, nothing  agn.
 - Existence for her, outer world had no  nux-m.
 - Existence he had only that moment begun his  camph.
 - Expectant  coca
 - Expecting unpleasant news  mez.
 - Faces, horrible, were looking out of every corner  phos.
 - Failed, memory  puls.
 - Faint, he would  ang., bry., calc., calen., kali-c., lappa, med., nat-m., sabad., sep., sil., stann.
 - Faint, about to  cocc., mag-c., spong., upa., zing.
 - Faint, about to (with qualmishness)  upa.
 - Faint, from emptiness of stomach, he would  bufo
 - Faint, on lying down, he would  sulph.
 - Fainted if he had any longer postponed waking, he would have  carb-v.
 - Fainting, on the verge of  thea
 - Faintness would occur  dig.
 - Fall, one would  apis, bell., calc., caust., chen-a., cupr-ar., coloc., equis., lappa, lyss., mag-m., med., puls., sabin., sep., spig., stram., visc., wies., zinc.
 - Fall, into a fire on walking past it, one would  onos.
 - Fall, not unpleasantly, she would  lappa
 - Fall, about to  mag-p., ambro., rhus-t.
 - Fall, out of bed, he would  arg-n., ars., ars-s-f.
 - Fall, he were elevated and would  mosch.
 - Fall, on dancing, he would  puls.
 - Fall, headlong, he would  gels.
 - Fall, if she did not hold onto something, she would  sabad.
 - Fall, if he looks down or on standing or walking, he would  spig.
 - Fall, if he looks down on going downstairs, he would  onos.
 - Fall, on looking up, he would  puls.
 - Fall, from a seat, he would  alumn.
 - Fall, from a height  calen.
 - Fall, back on getting out of bed  rhus-t.
 - Fall, in open space, he would  ars.
 - Fall, on standing, he would  oxyt., samars.
 - Fall, at every step, he would  dor.
 - Fall, if he turns his head, he would  spig.
 - Fall, if she walks  iod.
 - Fall, when walking, he would  calc., iod.
 - Fall, backward, one would  chin., dub., spong., staph.
 - Fall, backward or to one side, he would  calc., nux-v.
 - Fall, to left, she would  aur., merl.
 - Fall, to one side, he would  am-m., calc., rheum
 - Fall, to one side, head would  spong.
 - Fall, on one side, head would  spong.
 - Fall, on one side on rising, he would  squil.
 - Fall, from side to side, brain were loose and would  sul-ac.
 - Fall, in all directions, head would  cann-s.
 - Fall, to right, he would  itu, sacch-l.
 - Fall, to right side when at a height  zinc.
 - Fall, to right when walking, he would  ruta
 - Fall, to left, he would  calc., dirc., nat-m.
 - Fall, forward, one would  chel., chlf., nat-m., petr., phos., ruta, sil., spig., tarax.
 - Fall, forward, she must  nat-hchls.
 - Fall, forward, head would  agn.
 - Fall, forward and backward, she were going to  rhus-t.
 - Fall, forward on rising from seat, he would  vib.
 - Fall, forward when stooping, he would  berb., puls.
 - Fall, forward, turning around in head, head would  cupr.
 - Fall, forward on walking, head would  calad., hipp.
 - Fall, over, he would  ars., zinc.
 - Fall, down on head, he would  chim.
 - Fall, on him, something would  tarent.
 - Falling  bism., med., stram., tub., upa.
 - Falling in children  gels.
 - Falling asleep, he were  asar., mur-ac.
 - Falling when asleep  vib.
 - Falling when awakening  guaj., sec.
 - Falling toward right side  camph.
 - Falling to left  eup-pur.
 - Falling if he turns to right or left  der.
 - Falling deep down  bell.
 - Falling forward  gels., pic-ac., xanth.
 - Falling backward  prim-v.
 - Falling off seat  stram.
 - Falling to pieces about her, room were  cann-i.
 - Falling backward through space  kali-n.
 - Falling backward, head were  chin-s.
 - Falling from a height, she were  mosch.
 - Falling out of bed, head were  arg-m.
 - Falling through bed  bell., dulc., lach., rhus-t., sacch.
 - Falling to pieces, whole body were  xanth.
 - Falling or sinking on closing eyes, bed were  sec.
 - Falling inward, walls of room were  arg-n., carb-v.
 - Falling hole close by, into which he were in danger of  carbn-s.
 - Falling on her, houses were  sabad.
 - Far-off  med.
 - Far-off in head  sec.
 - Farewell to a near friend, she had bid  rhus-t.
 - Faster, and faster, someone were reading after her so she must read  mag-m.
 - Fatigue were forever banished  cann-s.
 - Feeling for pins  sil.
 - Feet would slip from under her  nicc.
 - Fell, he suddenly  clem.
 - Felt that things were near him even when not looking at them  valer.
 - Fermenting, everything were  nux-v.
 - Fever, he had awakened from a  cic.
 - Fever, were coming on  vichy-g.
 - Fit, she were going to have a  lyss.
 - Fitted into each corner of room, part of head  cann-i.
 - Float in air, she were so light she would  manc., tep.
 - Float to and fro on writing, things  anag.
 - Float off, top of cranium were about to  nat-hchls.
 - Floating  bell., bry., cocain., lach., op., pen., xanth.
 - Floating in a boat  bell.
 - Floating over everything in the way  samars.
 - Floating body and limbs did not touch bed  stict.
 - Floating in air, she were  cocain., mosch., nux-m., stict., valer.
 - Floating off, head were  jug-r., samars.
 - Floating in air, legs were  stict.
 - Floating in clouds, ideas were  dat-a.
 - Floating outside his brain, ideas were  dat-a.
 - Floating bed were  con.
 - Floating of images of fancy, head were moving up and down, with a similar  zinc.
 - Floating through air, when sitting  xanth.
 - Floor were not there  samars.
 - Floor were sinking  lepi.
 - Floor were soft like wool, on walking  xanth.
 - Fly, he were so light he could  camph.
 - Fly, he were raised from ground and could  cann-i.
 - Fly, he must  ars-s-f.
 - Fly, away, she must  bell., verat.
 - Fly, she would  tub.
 - Fly, (in female complaints) she would  lil-t.
 - Fly, to pieces, he would  lact.
 - Flying  jug-r., op., valer.
 - Flying round and round, head were  eup-pur.
 - Flying or swimming in air  calc-ar., manc., valer.
 - Fog in brain  sulph.
 - Forced him out of bed, something  rhus-t.
 - Forgetful, absent  bar-c.
 - Forgotten something, he had  mill.
 - Forgotten something, he does not know what  iod.
 - Forsaken by a near friend, she had been  rhus-t.
 - Frail and easily broken  thuj.
 - Friendless and forsaken when awaking in morning  lach.
 - Fright on waking, in a  bell.
 - Fright after sleep, in a  apis, phys.
 - Frightened  bor., calc-p., iber., nat-a., paeon., psor., sacch-l., ter., zinc.
 - Frightened he were terribly  stram.
 - Frightened he had been  bapt., calc-p., merc.
 - Frightened by a dream  bor.
 - Frightened on waking  bell., magn-gr., m-aust., samb., sars., zinc.
 - Frightened and indefinable dread with trembling  iber.
 - Frightened by vision behind him  lach.
 - Fumes of whiskey had gone to his head  ars-met.
 - Functions must act, yet cannot (spell-bound)  pop.
 - Gather ideas from a far, he had to  dat-a.
 - Gave way under him, everything  sanic.
 - Gave way under him, ground  kali-br., tep.
 - Get out of her body in some way, she would become crazy if she could not  lac-c.
 - Giddiness, overpowering, were coming over her  con.
 - Giddy  aml-ns., bell., bufo, gels., sacch.
 - Giddy (drunk)  ferr.
 - Glass and easily broken, body were made of  thuj.
 - Gliding along  bell.
 - Gliding in air when walking  asar.
 - Glittering, objects were too bright and  camph.
 - Gnashing their teeth around his bed, he heard wild beasts  ars.
 - Go round and round, brain seemed to  sabad.
 - Go from under him, legs would  staph.
 - Go out of his mind, he would  kali-br.
 - Going up, feet were  ph-ac.
 - Going out of mind  cot.
 - Grasp any thought, he could not  phos.
 - Grew larger and longer, one  plat.
 - Grief, great, weighed upon him  con.
 - Grief, or sorrow, laboring under some  am-m.
 - Ground or stairs came up to meet him  pic-ac.
 - Ground gave way beneath his feet  digin., kali-br., tep.
 - Ground were moving  clem.
 - Ground she would hardly touch  ars-met.
 - Ground were unsteady or sank  tep.
 - Ground on walking he did not touch  calc-ar., camph., peti., tep., thuj.
 - Ground he stood on wavering  sulph.
 - Ground were wavering on closing eyes  chlf.
 - Guilt, great, weighed upon him  con.
 - Guilty of some deed of which others knew: could not look one in the face  cob.
 - Hammock, bed were swaying from side to side like a  tub.
 - Hammock, one were swinging above treetops in a  coff-t.
 - Hand, delicate, were smoothing her  med.
 - Hands of a stronger power, he were in  lach.
 - Hanging over him, some overwhelming calamity were  calen.
 - Hanging over a chair were a person, something  calc.
 - Hanging with head downward, he were  glon.
 - Happen, accident would  mag-c., mag-s.
 - Happen, something were going to  aml-ns., lappa, lyss., mosch., nat-a., nat-m., nicc., pyrus, xanth.
 - Happen, something dreadful were going to  aml-ns., lappa, med., thea
 - Happen, some evil were going to  meny.
 - Happen, something horrible were going to  elaps, pall.
 - Happen, some great misfortune were going to  calc., ign., rhus-t., vichy-g.
 - Happen, something unpleasant were going to  caust., glon., lyss., mag-c., mag-s.
 - Happen, something were going to (with sense of horror)  tub.
 - Happen, something terrible were going to  lyss., onos., pyrus
 - Head were another strange head  ther.
 - Head there were no  cocc.
 - Head were on a pillow but did not know where rest of body was  pyrog.
 - Head were falling out of bed  arg-m.
 - Hears voices of people far away  anac.
 - Heaven or hell, he did not care if he went to  med.
 - Heaven with most wonderful visions, he were in  calc-ar.
 - Heaven he were in  op.
 - Heaviness of head  puls.
 - Heavy and thick, atmosphere in room were  agn.
 - Heavy for bed and it would break down unless supported, he were too  ovi-p.
 - Held up high when sitting, he were  rhus-t.
 - Hell or heaven, he did not care if he went to  med.
 - Herself, she were not  puls.
 - High building, stepped from a  dub.
 - High steps were too  tab.
 - Higher than the houses, he were  camph.
 - Hold her head straight, she could not  lyss.
 - Hole close by into which he were in danger of falling  carbn-s.
 - Homesick, melancholy  sacch-l.
 - House, he were not in his  op.
 - House, burning, he saw his neighbors  hep.
 - House, were turned upside down (vertigo)  bufo
 - Houses on both sides of street would approach and crush him  arg-n.
 - Houses were falling on her  sabad.
 - Houses move as she walks  tep.
 - Houses at a distance turn bottom upward  eug.
 - Hover in air, she would  manc.
 - Hovering in air  manc., nux-m., op., stict., valer.
 - Hovering in air like a spirit (when walking in open air)  asar.
 - Hurry, everything must be done in a  sul-ac.
 - Ideas from a far, he had  dat-a.
 - Ideas were floating outside his brain  dat-a.
 - Ideas were floating in clouds  dat-a.
 - Ideas prevented him from completing work, a rush of  stann.
 - Ill, he were going to be very  podo.
 - Illness, severe, were impending  nicc.
 - Ill-treated by everyone  sumb.
 - Imminent, death were  puls.
 - Impelled to commit some horrible crime  thea
 - Impelled by an invisible agent, he slid along the ground  op.
 - Impelled to commit suicide, he were  thea
 - Impelled to commit suicide by drowning, he were  dros.
 - Impelled to do reckless things  lyss.
 - Impended, something unpleasant  agar., caust.
 - Impending, some horrible calamity were  rhus-t.
 - Impending, danger were  camph., macro.
 - Impending, evil were  alum., crot-h., lach., meny., rumx.
 - Impending, severe illness were  nicc.
 - Impending, misfortune were  aster., aur-m., calc., chin-s., clem., cycl., graph., kali-p., psor., puls., sanic., sulph., vichy-g.
 - Impending, some great misfortune were  sulph.
 - Impending, trouble were  am-c.
 - Impending, something were  nat-a.
 - Imperative duties hurried her, with utter inability to perform them  lil-t.
 - Impossible to think, it were  onos.
 - Incline to right side, head would constantly  ferr.
 - Inconsolable  stram.
 - Individuals, she were two  lil-t.
 - Inferior, persons about her were mentally and physically  plat.
 - Inflated, head were (with confusion)  merl.
 - Influenced him at the same time, two entirely different trains of thought  lyss.
 - Insane, she were going  cann-i., syph.
 - Insensible in vertigo, he would become  nat-ns.
 - Insulted, he had been  cham., cocc., sulph.
 - Interest in anything, he felt no  nux-v.
 - Intelligence, he had received joyful  lyss.
 - Intoxicated see also Drunk
 - Intoxicated  agar., ang., bufo, carb-ac., chin-s., chlor., cic., cocc., cor-r., cot., croc., cur., ferr., gels., glon., hydr., hyos., jug-r., kali-br., kali-c., lact., lil-t., lyc., m-aust., med., merl., mez., mill., nicc., nux-m., nux-v., op., petr., ph-ac., phos., pip-m., psor., ptel., puls., ran-b., raph., rat., rhod., rhus-t., sabad., sec., sep., sol-n., spig., sulph., sulo-ac., tab., tarax., thuj., valer., verat.
 - Intoxicated when trying to move  gels.
 - Intoxicated by degraded blood, brain were  crot-h.
 - Intoxicated while undressing  sec.
 - Intoxicated he had been  iodof., kali-c., rheum
 - Intoxicated he were pleasantly  oxyt.
 - Intoxicated at 4 p.m.  and in evening  cench.
 - Intoxicated and excited  kali-i.
 - Intoxicated on seeing flowing water when walking  ferr.
 - Intoxicated in room but not in open air  croc.
 - Intoxication, dullness as after  squil.
 - Island, she were on a distant  phos.
 - Isolated from world  coca
 - Jostling against everyone she meets  acon.
 - Journey, after a long  chin-ar.
 - Jump out of window, one were impelled to  thea
 - Kill people when in street, he ought to  camph.
 - Kill her, her mother wants to  sacch-l.
 - Killed, she were being  sulph.
 - Know where one were, one did not  cann-s., glon., merl.
 - Laboring under grief or sorrow  am-m.
 - Lady, she were a noble  phos.
 - Large enough, bed were not  sulph.
 - Large one were  arg-n., caj., par.
 - Large sometimes very small and then very  sulph.
 - Large room were too  tub.
 - Large all things and persons were too small and too low, and they were too  plat.
 - Larger and larger, one were growing  aur., plat., stram.
 - Laughing at her whenever she goes into street, men were  bar-c.
 - Lawsuit or dispute, causing uneasiness and anxiety, he were in a  nit-ac.
 - Lazy to move, one were too  eucal.
 - Learn anew everything she wished to do, she would have to  sep.
 - Legs and arms, he has too many  pyrog.
 - Legs he would stumble over his own  caj.
 - Legs were all over sidewalk  kali-br.
 - Legs were going out from under him with slightest gust of wind  staph.
 - Lie down, she must  nux-m.
 - Lie down in street, she could  kali-c.
 - Lie down all the time, she would like to  sabad.
 - Lies down beside him, another person  petr.
 - Life in him, he had no (weakness)  dub.
 - Life he wished to take his own  rhus-t.
 - Life were unreal  med.
 - Life were in danger from assassination or poison  plb.
 - Lifted from couch, she were being  stroph-h.
 - Lifted high in air, she were being  hyper.
 - Light  gels., lach.
 - Light head were  sarr.
 - Light head were too  jab.
 - Light body were very  mez.
 - Light everything about body were too  dig.
 - Light she could float in air, she were so  manc., tep.
 - Light and could fly, he were  camph.
 - Light she did not touch ground when walking, she were so  tep.
 - Light on walking, she were very  spig., tep., thuj.
 - Lighter and could fly, not touching ground  camph.
 - Limbs, she had no  stram.
 - Liquor, dullness, he had taken  sabad.
 - Liquor, he had taken  bapt.
 - Liquor, under the influence of  pip-m.
 - Live, she could not  vib.
 - Living, he could not make a  chlor.
 - Locomotive, about to be run over by a  phos.
 - Longer, time were  pall.
 - Longer, and longer, he were growing  plat., stram.
 - Look one in face because of guilt (though not guilty), he could not  cob.
 - Looking out of every corner, horrible faces were  phos.
 - Looking down, he were  phos.
 - Looking over her shoulder, strange persons were  brom.
 - Loose, brain were  phos., spig.
 - Lose consciousness, he would  brom., dig., dios., oxyt., plat., thea
 - Lose consciousness on lying down  agar.
 - Lose consciousness, she would become dizzy and  mag-m.
 - Lose all self-control, she would  gels., samars.
 - Lose her reason, she would  acon., cupr., glon., iris-t., lil-t., phys.
 - Lose her senses, she would  calc., cann-s., gels., nat-s., psor., sulph.
 - Losing his reason, he were  kali-bi., merc.
 - Losing senses, she were gradually  sil.
 - Lost (before headache)  cot.
 - Lost consciousness, he momentarily  lyss.
 - Lost her will-power, she had partly  nit-ac.
 - Lying, she did not touch bed when  asar., chin., coff., lac-c., nat-m., nux-v., op., rhus-t., spig., stram., thuj.
 - Lying, in bed, she were not  hyper.
 - Lying, very heavy in bed  hyper.
 - Lying, down, one would lose consciousness on  agar.
 - Lying, on one side she were one person and when lying on other side another person  pyrog.
 - Lying, on a large snake  lac-c.
 - Lying, in bed with him, a strange boy were  apis
 - Lying, down beside her, a huge drunken man were coming toward her and  cic.
 - Man were coming toward her and lying down beside her, a huge drunken  cic.
 - Man were present who was not (delirium)  hyos.
 - Marble statue, he were a  cann-i.
 - Medicine or had been poisoned, he had taken  lina.
 - Memory failed  puls.
 - Men or devil on account of crimes he had never committed, he were persecuted by  zinc.
 - Men were laughing at her on street  bar-c.
 - Menaced him, danger  fl-ac.
 - Mental acts were performed in stomach  acon.
 - Mice in bed, there were  colch.
 - Mind on anything, inability to fix  con.
 - Mind he would go out of his  kali-br.
 - Mind he were going out of his  eup-per., ham., ol-j.
 - Mind on walking, he were going out of  cot.
 - Mind were separated from body  anac.
 - Miscaries, everything  nux-v.
 - Misfortune, great, were going to happen  calc., ign., rhus-t., vichy-g.
 - Misfortune, were impending  aster., aur-m., calc., clem., cupr., cycl., kali-p., psor., sanic., sulph., vichy-g.
 - Misfortune, he dreaded  rhus-t.
 - Misfortune, to himself, he foresaw a  spong.
 - Misfortune, would overtake him, some  cupr.
 - Misfortune, oppressed by some  hura
 - Misfortune, would befall him, some personal  crot-t.
 - Monster would come from under her chair, some horrid  lac-c.
 - Motion, air itself were in tremulous (fever)  sabad.
 - Motion, bed were in  lac-c.
 - Motion, all within head were in  verat.
 - Motion, everything were in  sabad.
 - Motion, everything were making a see-saw  cycl.
 - Motion, objects were in  kali-cy., mosch., sep., thuj.
 - Mountain, he were climbing a steep  prun.
 - Mountain, he were descending a  cycl.
 - Mouse ran under her chair  cimic.
 - Move, yet, >> by motion, she could not  hom.
 - Move, in all directions everything about him began to  tab.
 - Moved slowly, everything about him  hydr-ac.
 - Moved around him, objects  nux-v., sep.
 - Moved couch (vertigo)  plb.
 - Moved in a circle on stooping, everything  sol-n.
 - Moved rapidly and confusedly, all about her  sang.
 - Moved backward and forward, objects  carb-ac.
 - Moved to right, all objects  nat-sal.
 - Moving in all directions, head were  eup-pur.
 - Moving around one, objects were  sep.
 - Moving to and fro when sitting and lying, he were  thuj.
 - Moving up and down with a similar floating of images of fancy, head were  zinc.
 - Moving brain were (vertigo)  cycl.
 - Moving around, everything were  anac.
 - Moving from side to side, everything were  cic.
 - Moving ground were  clem.
 - Moving when walking, all houses were  tep.
 - Moving to and fro, his seat were  thuj.
 - Moving in a circle when stooping, things were  sol-n.
 - Moving and jarring her, she were in railway car which was  sang.
 - Moving in a new world  camph.
 - Moving up and down, objects were  phos.
 - Moves to and fro, everything  form.
 - Muddled, brain were  coca
 - Murder someone, he would  hep.
 - Murder him, someone were coming to  tab.
 - Music, under influence of pleasant and quick  zinc-p.
 - Net, in a  nat-m.
 - New and he had never seen them, all things appear  stram.
 - News, expecting joyful  lyss., valer.
 - News, bad, about to arrive  aster.
 - News, unpleasant, he would hear  dros., lyss.
 - News, expecting unpleasant  lyss., mez.
 - News, agitated by unpleasant  alumn.
 - Noble lady, she were a  phos.
 - Nobody, he were a  agn.
 - Nothing, he could do  lyss.
 - Nothing, existed around him  agn.
 - Nothing, could give her any enjoyment  stram.
 - Objects about him were estranging him  valer.
 - Objects leave their place and follow her  coff-t.
 - Objects moved to right  nat-sal.
 - Objects reel  bell., bry., glon.
 - Objects run into each other  iris-foe.
 - Objects turned upside down  guan.
 - Objects waver  grat., til.
 - Objects were in motion  kali-cy., mosch., sep., thuj.
 - Objects were too far off (vertigo)  anac., stann.
 - Occurred a week ago, things done today  med.
 - Opiate, he were under influence of an  cann-i.
 - Oppressed  carb-v.
 - Oppressed by some misfortune  hura
 - Outside patient, a second self  bapt.
 - Outside of herself and could see into herself  pyrus
 - Paralyzed  agar., cist., cycl., sacch., sang.
 - Paralyzed about to be  syph.
 - Paralyzed will were  carb-v., pop.
 - Paralyzed after a short walk  con.
 - Pass a certain point on walking without falling, he could not  arg-n.
 - Passed over him, a cloud  samars.
 - Pendulum, vertigo were like vibration of a  bell.
 - Performed in stomach, mental acts were  acon.
 - Persecuted by men or the devil on account of crimes he had never done  zinc.
 - Persecuted in visions  hyos.
 - Person, she existed in another  pyrog.
 - Person, lies alongside him, another  petr.
 - Person, she were one person while lying on one side and some other person when lying on other side  pyrog.
 - Person, had seen what he saw and had said what he himself had said, another  alum.
 - Person, had touched him quietly on both sides  bapt.
 - Persons were looking over her shoulder, strange  brom.
 - Persons about her were inferior  plat.
 - Persons two, lay in her bed and the body of the other overlapped hers by half  cycl.
 - Persons she were two  lil-t.
 - Pieces and could not get them adjusted, he were in several  phos.
 - Pieces and it were only by a great effort she kept herself together; it would be a relief to a fall to  sacch-l.
 - Pieces whole body were falling to  xanth.
 - Pillow, head were on a: but did not know where rest of his body was  pyrog.
 - Pitch forward, he would  senec.
 - Pitch forward on face when walking, he would  ter.
 - Pitch every nerve were strung to hightest  pip-m.
 - Place, he were in a strange  cic., tub.
 - Poison, he had taken  caj., euph.
 - Poisoned, he had taken medicine or had been  lina.
 - Power, she were in hands of a stronger  lach.
 - Power, of moving were lost  m-aust.
 - Pregnant  verat.
 - Pressed forward, he were elevated and  calc.
 - Prevented him from completing work, a rush of ideas  stann.
 - Projected from head that he could not see over, something  phel.
 - Prompting to offensive things, a demon sits on neck  anac.
 - Prostrated, extremely  eup-per.
 - Provocation, least, would enrage (with mirth)  sumb.
 - Pulled backward  samars.
 - Pulled backward, he were (with headache)  merc.
 - Pulled and torn into threads  plat.
 - Pursuing him, someone were  anac., merc.
 - Pushed forward, head were suddenly  ferr-p.
 - Railroad car, she were in a  sang.
 - Raised up, he were being  sil.
 - Raised from ground and could fly  cann-i.
 - Ran under her chair, a mouse  cimic.
 - Ran against something  arg-m.
 - Reach to clouds, arms, face, tongue, and forepart of brain seems to  pic-ac.
 - Reading after her so that she must read faster and faster, someone were  mag-m.
 - Real, things were not  cann-s.
 - Reality, everything perceived had no  anac.
 - Reason would leave him  tanac.
 - Reason from pain, one were losing one's  kali-bi.
 - Reason were losing his  merc., nat-m.
 - Reason she would lose her  acon., cupr., glon., iris-t., lil-t., phys.
 - Receded, everything approached and  cic.
 - Reeled around her, things  merc-i-r.
 - Reeled to and fro, head  carb-v.
 - Reeling  spig.
 - Reeling from side to side  gamb.
 - Reeling when at rest  tax.
 - Reeling all objects were  bell., bry., glon.
 - Reproved, he expected to be  dig.
 - Respiration, whole attention must be centered on act of  chlor.
 - Rest, enemies allowed him no  dros.
 - Reveling all night, he had been  rhod.
 - Revolving on axis  nux-v.
 - Rid her mind of the torture, she must do something to  med.
 - Riding when lying down, agg. closing eyes  ferr.
 - Riding with closed eyes  cycl.
 - Rise up again if one stopped, one could not  bry., puls., rhus-t.
 - Rising, chair on which he were sitting were  phos.
 - Rising, before him, sidewalk were  spig.
 - Rising, when walking, street were  sep.
 - Rocked, one were being  bell., calad., nat-m.
 - Rocked, when lying down and closing eyes, he were  calad., nat-m.
 - Rolling about in head (vertigo), something were  sep.
 - Rolling over like a ball  samars.
 - Rolling over bedclothes, balls of fire were  stram.
 - Room were full of strange men, passing in and out, who wanted to take her away  bell.
 - Room in it, someone would get into his bed and there would be no  nux-v.
 - Room were too large  tub.
 - Room were too small  cycl.
 - Room were falling to pieces about her  cann-i.
 - Room went round  calc-caust., cann-s., cod., dub., grat., kali-bi.
 - Round and round, brain whirled  sabad.
 - Round and round, objects were turning  laur.
 - Round and round, head were flying  eup-pur.
 - Round and round when looking at water, everything went  ferr.
 - Round and round, objects go  psor.
 - Round room went  calc-caust., cann-s., cod., dub., grat., kali-bi.
 - Rouse him, someone were trying to  cur.
 - Rousing him from a dream  carb-v.
 - Rowdies would break in if alone  elaps
 - Ruined, he will be  puls.
 - Run as never before, he could  agar.
 - Run a long way, he could  coca
 - Run away, she had to  ars-met.
 - Run backward, he were chased and had to  sep.
 - Run up and down and scream, she would like to  calc.
 - Run into each other, objects  iris-foe.
 - Said it, another person had  alum.
 - Scattered about  bapt.
 - Scream, he must  lil-t.
 - Scream, unless he held on to something, he would  sep.
 - Scream, would like to run up and down and  calc.
 - Sea, one were at  cocc.
 - Seasick, one were  tab.
 - Seasick, after riding on horseback in dark  sanic.
 - Seasickness (vertigo as from)  magn-gr.
 - Seat were balancing to and fro when closing eyes  thuj.
 - Seat were tottering  chlf.
 - Seat were undulating when sitting up in bed in morning  zinc.
 - Second self outside of patient, there were  tab.
 - See something if he turned around, he would  brom.
 - See into herself, she were outside of herself and could  pyrus
 - Seeking something, he were  stram.
 - Seen what he had seen, and said what he himself had said, another person had  alum.
 - Self-control, one would lose all  gels., samars.
 - Self-control, consciousness were outside of body  alum.
 - Self outside patient, a second  bapt.
 - Self and is not sure which will conquer the other, there were another  op.
 - Senses, impossible to collect his  cham., hyos.
 - Senses, she would lose her  agar., calc., cann-s., sulph.
 - Senses, when thinking long about anything, she would lose her  ars.
 - Senses, one would lose one's  brom., cupr., gels., nat-s., psor.
 - Senses, she were gradually losing her  sil.
 - Senses, would vanish  plat., ran-b.
 - Senses, deprived of his  cycl.
 - Separate from him, strange thoughts were  sabad.
 - Separated from body, spirit were  anac.
 - Separated from body, mind were  anac.
 - Separated soul and body were  cann-i., thuj.
 - Separated from himself in evening  sabad.
 - Separated from whole world, he were  anac.
 - Settled over her, heavy black cloud had  cimic.
 - Shocks, he fell suddenly from electric  clem.
 - Shoved forward when driving  ferr.
 - Shoved forward when lying down  ferr.
 - Shut in a dark cellar (anxiety)  nat-p.
 - Sick  tarax.
 - Sick persons, two, in bed, one of whom recovered and the other did not  sec.
 - Sidewalk were rising before him  spig.
 - Side who does everything he does, someone by his  ars.
 - Sin, she had committed the unpardonable  chel., med.
 - Sink away, she were going to  lyss.
 - Sink down and die, he would  asar.
 - Sink through bed, she would  chin-s.
 - Sinking down in bed, everything were  lyc.
 - Sinking deep down in bed, she were  bry.
 - Sinking through bed  bell., dulc., lach., rhus-t.
 - Sinking from under her, bed were  kali-c.
 - Sinking or falling on closing eyes: bed and all were going down  sec.
 - Sinking down, bed and patient were  lach.
 - Sinking when working in a hot room  glon.
 - Sinking and would die  asar.
 - Sinking through floor, he were  phos.
 - Sitting too high  aloe
 - Sitting in wet  morph.
 - Sits on his neck prompting to offensive things, a demon  anac.
 - Sleep, deprived of  rhus-t.
 - Sleep, he would die on going to  lach.
 - Sleep, loss of  merl., zinc.
 - Sleep, he had too little  rheum
 - Sleep, just awakened from  mang.
 - Sleep, going to  lappa, plat.
 - Sleep, were in air, on going to  tell.
 - Sleep, going into a state of deep  camph.
 - Sleep, in a stupid  ant-t.
 - Sleep, (confusion) he ought to  ant-t.
 - Sleep, in a sound  visc.
 - Sleep, someone would disturb his  agar.
 - Sleepy  merl., nat-m., nux-m.
 - Slept enough, he had not  ars., bapt., calc., colch., con., dig., eucal., luna, magn-gr., mill., nux-v., phos., ran-b., ruta, sulph., thuj.
 - Slept he had not  lac-ac., rhus-t.
 - Slept in morning, he had not  bell., ham.
 - Slept all night, he had  euph., lina.
 - Slid along ground impelled by an invisible agent  op.
 - Slip from under her, feet would  nicc.
 - Slipped back and forth beneath her, ground  tep.
 - Small, everything around her were very  plat.
 - Small, and sometimes very large, sometimes very  sulph.
 - Small, room were too  cycl.
 - Smaller than they really were, objects were  stram.
 - Smaller one were  carb-v.
 - Smaller everything were  plat.
 - Smoke on brain  op.
 - Smoothing her, a delicate hand were  med.
 - Smother on falling asleep, she would  arum-t.
 - Snake, she were lying on a  lac-c.
 - Snakes, he were surrounded by myriads of  lac-c.
 - Sneaking up behind her, someone were  sanic.
 - Soft like wool on walking, floor were  xanth.
 - Someone else, she were  cann-s., lach.
 - Someone else and in hands of a stronger power  lach.
 - Someone would get into his bed and there would be no room in it  nux-v.
 - Someone were behind one  brom., crot-h., lach., med., sacch-l., tub.
 - Someone were behind him when in bathtub  samars.
 - Someone were coming up behind him  staph.
 - Someone would come and disturb his sleep  agar.
 - Someone by his side who does everything he does  ars.
 - Someone had sold his bed  nux-v.
 - Someone were pursuing him  anac.
 - Someone were reading after her so that she must read faster and faster  mag-m.
 - Someone were sneaking up behind him  sanic.
 - Someone else were speaking  cann-s.
 - Someone were walking beside her  calc.
 - Something were under bed making a noise  bell.
 - Something forced him out of bed nights  rhus-t.
 - Something hanging over a chair were a person  calc.
 - Sorrow or grief, laboring under some  am-m.
 - Soul and body were separated  cann-i., thuj.
 - Speaking, someone else were  cann-s.
 - Spell, she were charmed and could not break the  lach.
 - Spell, bound; all functions must act yet cannot  pop.
 - Spirit had separated from body  anac.
 - Staggering  carb-ac.
 - Staggering (too weak)  olnd.
 - Stairs or ground were coming up to meet him  pic-ac.
 - Stand up, when sitting she must  sep.
 - Standing, faintness would occur while  dig.
 - Standing, on head  ph-ac.
 - Standing, on wavering ground  sulph.
 - Standing, Securely, he were not  asar., calc-a.
 - Stepped from a high building  dub.
 - Stepped on empty space  dub.
 - Stepping on air  nat-m.
 - Stepping on down when walking  der.
 - Steps as easy as one, she could take ten  puls.
 - Stimulant had been taken  nux-v., sabad.
 - Stones were sinking under his feet when crossing a stone bridge  nat-m.
 - Stood alone in world, she were left entirely to herself and  plat.
 - Stood on wavering ground  sulph.
 - Stool, he would be obliged to go to (vertigo)  spig.
 - Strain herself, she could easily  sep.
 - Strange boy lying in bed with him  apis
 - Strange head, head were another  ther.
 - Strange person were at his side  thuj.
 - Strange place, he were in a  cic., tub.
 - Strange everything in room were strange  tub.
 - Strange and horrible, everything were  plat.
 - Strange thoughts were separate from him  sabad.
 - Strange objects were  cann-s.
 - Strange well-known street were  glon.
 - Stranger were beside him  anac.
 - Strangers, he were in midst of  aster.
 - Street were strange, a well-known  glon.
 - Street were rising when walking  sep.
 - Strength were failing, all his  coloc.
 - Strike anyone in face who spoke to him, he would like to  nux-v.
 - Struck with apoplexy  kali-cy., tarent.
 - Strung to highest pitch, nerves were  pip-m.
 - Study, head were dull from too much  nat-n.
 - Stumble over his own legs, he would  caj.
 - Stunned  laur.
 - Stupefied  nux-v., olnd., rhus-t., staph.
 - Stupefied head were  rheum
 - Stupefied in morning  thuj.
 - Stupefied from coal gas  zinc.
 - Stupefied from night reveling  nux-v.
 - Stupefied as after tobacco smoking  spig.
 - Stupid if head were held erect  nux-v.
 - Stupid in left half of head  psor.
 - Stupid after a debauch  psor.
 - Suction, bound to bed by  sars.
 - Suicide, impelled to commit  thea
 - Suicide, by drowning, impelled to commit  dros.
 - Suicide, though she has a great aversion to it, she would commit (on seeing knives)  alum.
 - Sun pushed her down and she had to rest in shade in order to walk on  psor.
 - Sunk deep in bed, he had  xanth.
 - Superior power, under influence of a  thuj.
 - Support himself, he could not  tab.
 - Surrounded by dogs, he were  bell.
 - Surrounded by myriads of snakes, he were  lac-c.
 - Surrounding objects were very small and he were very large  stram.
 - Surroundings did not exist  puls.
 - Surroundings whirled with her  aloe
 - Surroundings or self tottered  anac.
 - Suspended in air  sep.
 - Suspended and not lying in bed  hyper.
 - Suspicious of those about him  hyos.
 - Swashing in brain when walking  spig.
 - Swayed to and fro, objects around him  bell., form.
 - Swaying in head when walking  daph.
 - Swaying to and fro when sitting whole body were  paraf.
 - Swaying back and forth head were constantly  zinc.
 - Swaying back and forth bed were  zinc.
 - Swaying from side to side like a hammock bed were  tub.
 - Swaying about on chair  spong.
 - Swimming in head  ars-h.
 - Swimming brain were  sol-n.
 - Swimming when lying down  ox-ac.
 - Swimming or flying in air  calc-ar., lact., manc., valer.
 - Swing, one were in a  merc.
 - Swing, one were swung to and fro in a  ign.
 - Swinging  sulph.
 - Swinging in bed  camph., lact.
 - Swinging from behind forward, head were  pall.
 - Swinging above tree tops clouds (in hammock)  coff-t.
 - Swung to and fro in a swing or cradle  ign.
 - Swung from behind forward, head were  pall.
 - Take his own life, he wished to  rhus-t.
 - Taken medicine, he had  lina.
 - Taken poison, he had  lina.
 - Taken from him, objects around him had been  valer.
 - Taken stimulant, he had  nux-v., sabad.
 - Talked very rapidly, all around her  sang.
 - Tall, very  eos., stram.
 - Taller, he had grown  pall.
 - Tea, brain were excited after  hyper.
 - Tears, he would burst into  aster., cot.
 - Teeming with live things whirling around it, head were  sil.
 - Telling truth, she were not  macro.
 - Temper, he were in a bad  zinc.
 - Terrified on waking  lyc.
 - Thicker than natural, everything he touched were  coc-c.
 - Thin and delicate, whole body were  thuj.
 - Think outside of himself, he cannot  crot-t.
 - Threads, torn and pulled into  plat.
 - Things done today occurred a week ago  med.
 - Things were not real  cann-s.
 - Things wrong with him, he had a million  samars.
 - Think of words, he could not  verat.
 - Think outside of himself, he cannot  crot-t.
 - Think it were impossible to  onos.
 - Think about something, he knows not what; he ought to  iod.
 - Thought influenced him at same time, two entirely different trains of  lyss.
 - Thoughts, strange, were separate from him  sabad.
 - Thoughts, would suddenly vanish  croc., kali-c.
 - Threatened with epileptic attack  alum.
 - Threatened with fatal accident  alum.
 - Time to arise, it were  dig.
 - Tipping over when sitting or walking  euon-a.
 - Tipsy  spong.
 - Tired, spoke as if  cann-i.
 - Tobacco, vertigo were from  rhod.
 - Together, could not get himself  caj.
 - Together, and it would be a relief to fall to pieces; only by a great effort she kept herself  sacch-l.
 - Top-heavy, head were  cham.
 - Topsy-turvy on walking, head were  cham.
 - Torture, she must do something to rid herself of the  med.
 - Tossed up from below in every direction, objects were  lac-d.
 - Tossing on a rough sea  lac-ac., sacch-l.
 - Tottering, surroundings were  anac.
 - Tottering, seat were  chlf.
 - Touch anything, she could not  pall.
 - Touch bed when lying down, he did not  asar., chin., coff., lac-c., nat-m., nux-v., op., ph-ac., rhus-t., spig., stram., stict., thuj.
 - Touch bed, body and limbs were floating and did not  stict.
 - Touch ground, feet did not  calc-ar.
 - Touch ground, he were lighter and did not  camph.
 - Touch ground when walking, he does not  peti.
 - Touch ground on walking, she were so light she could not  tep.
 - Touch ground, she would hardly  ars-met.
 - Touched earth with his feet, he scarcely  dat-a.
 - Touched him quietly on both sides, some person had  bapt.
 - Transfer himself into another and only then could see, he could  alum.
 - Tread lightly to avoid injuring or disturbing his companions, he must  cupr.
 - Treading on cotton  onos.
 - Trembled and turned in a circle, everything  plb.
 - Trembled and wavered, everything  aml-ns.
 - Trembled but without trembling  carbn-s., med., sul-ac., zinc.
 - Trifles, beside himself with  carl.
 - Trouble were impending  am-c.
 - Trouble every trifle would lead into great  anac.
 - Truth, she were not telling  macro.
 - Tumble, he would  calc.
 - Turn in a circle, head would  bry.
 - Turn in a circle about her, objects  coff-t.
 - Turn bottom upward, houses at a distance  eug.
 - Turn around, she would (fainting, nausea)  alum.
 - Turn around with him on closing eyes, objects  cod.
 - Turned around, one were being  bry.
 - Turned backward and around  ang.
 - Turned around with her, everything  phos.
 - Turned about, bed  nux-v., plb., puls., sin-n.
 - Turned in a circle, everything  agn., bell., cycl., laur., nat-m.
 - Turned in a circle, everything in front of her (when walking)  nat-m.
 - Turned in a half-circle, everything  staph.
 - Turned in a circle for a long time, he had  puls.
 - Turned round and round, everything  laur.
 - Turned in a circle, bed  con.
 - Turned so rapidly that he perceived a current of air produced by the motion, he were  mosch.
 - Turned upside down, house were  bufo
 - Turned upside down, objects  guan.
 - Turned in a circle, everything trembled and  plb.
 - Turned around, he would see something if he  brom.
 - Turning around, body or objects were  cycl., sabad.
 - Turning around, everything were  alum., lyc., mag-c., valer.
 - Turning around, brain were  bry.
 - Turning around, occiput were  iber.
 - Turning around each other, things were  sabad.
 - Turning around in head and would fall forward  cupr.
 - Turning in a circle  alum., anac., arg-n., aur., carl., chel., merc., ruta, tub.
 - Turning in a circle head were  bry.
 - Turning around he were  agar.
 - Turning in a circle, he were  con.
 - Turning in a circle, he had been  thuj.
 - Turning in a circle, everything were  bell., chel., cycl., verat., zinc.
 - Turning in a circle during rest  junc-e.
 - Turning in a circle when stooping  aur-m.
 - Turning rapidly in a circle, bed were  sol-n.
 - Turning in a circle, room were  nux-v.
 - Turning with him in a circle, surroundings were  am-c.
 - Turning on sitting up, everything were  chel.
 - Turning with her, things were  aloe, anac., arn., calc., ferr.
 - Turning round and round, objects were  laur.
 - Turning to left, he were  anac.
 - Turning into urine, she were  lac-ac.
 - Two persons, she were  lil-t.
 - Unable to collect his senses  cham.
 - Unconscious, he would drop  calc.
 - Unconsciousness might follow confusion  syph.
 - Unconsciousness going into a stage of  camph.
 - Understand anything, she could not  sep.
 - Undulating in whole head  indg.
 - Undulating when sitting up in bed in morning, seat were  zinc.
 - Undulating in head and whole body  stroph-h.
 - Unhampered by a material body  chin-b.
 - Unpardonable sin, she had committed the  chel., med.
 - Unpleasant news, he had heard  lyss.
 - Unpleasant news, he would soon hear  mez., lyss.
 - Unpleasant were going to happen, something  agar., glon.
 - Unreal, life were  med.
 - Unreal, everything were  aml-ns.
 - Urine, she were turning into  lac-ac.
 - Vanish, senses would  plat., ran-b.
 - Vanish, thoughts had  kali-c.
 - Vanish, thought would  croc.
 - Vanish, from her, everything would  lyc.
 - Vanished, all senses had  spira.
 - Vanished, thoughts had  kali-c.
 - Vehicle which was moving and jarring her, she were in some  sang.
 - Vertigo would come on  brom.
 - Vertigo proceeded from stomach  kali-c.
 - Vertigo started from left eye  lob.
 - Vertigo were from seasickness  magn-gr.
 - Visions of delight filled his brain all night  op.
 - Visions are real  lach.
 - Voices of absent persons, he heard  cham.
 - Voices of persons far off or dead, he hears  anac.
 - Wafted and drawn forth quickly in direction of legs, always waking him  tell.
 - Waking from a heavy sleep  rheum
 - Walk forever, she could  fl-ac.
 - Walked a long journey, she had  eup-pur.
 - Walked a great distance and were tired, one had  lac-ac.
 - Walked too far  verat.
 - Walking on air  asar., chin., lac-c., nat-m., nux-v., op., phos., rhus-t., thuj.
 - Walking backward when walking forward, he were  sil.
 - Walking beside him, someone were  calc.
 - Walking up and down rooms in his dreams  agar.
 - Walls of room were falling inward  arg-n., carb-v.
 - Watching, after long night  op., vib.
 - Waver, objects  grat., til.
 - Wavered, everything trembled and  aml-ns.
 - Wavering, brain were  phos., sul-ac.
 - Wavering, in brain when walking  phys.
 - Wavering, on closing eyes, ground were  chlf.
 - Wavering, ground, he stood on  sulph.
 - Wavering, objects were  cycl.
 - Wavering, and revolving, brain were  nux-v.
 - Waving lengthwise while lying  merc.
 - Way home were too long  glon.
 - Weighed upon him, a great grief  con.
 - Weight, without  hyos.
 - Went round and round on looking at water, everything  ferr.
 - Went around with her, everything  ferr.
 - Went round, room  calc-caust., cann-s., cod., dub., grat., kali-bi.
 - Where he was, he did not know  cann-s., glon., merl.
 - Where she was or what to do on waking, she could not tell  vib.
 - Whirled around, he had been placed in a coal screen and  eup-per.
 - Whirled round and round, brain  sabad.
 - Whirled about him when standing, everything  bry.
 - Whirled around, everything in head  viol-o.
 - Whirled around, everything  alum.
 - Whirled with her, everything  aloe, rhus-t.
 - Whirled around in head, something  sec.
 - Whirled with her, surroundings  aloe
 - Whirled in a circle, things  verat.
 - Whirling in head  chel., chlf., ovi-p.
 - Whirling in head like a millwheel  chin-s.
 - Whirling in head when thinking  coff.
 - Whirling around it, head were teeming with live things  sil.
 - Whirling around, everything were  zinc.
 - Whirling in opposite direction of he shuts eyes  sabad.
 - Whirling around with her, bed were  nux-v.
 - Whirling room were  nux-v.
 - Whirling with everything round him  op.
 - Wicked deed, she had committed a  cocc.
 - Wild, he would go  lob.
 - Will power, she had partly lost her  nit-ac.
 - Will were paralyzed  pop.
 - Wills, one commanding what other forbids, he had two  anac.
 - Wings, when walking she were carried on  thuj.
 - Wine, he had taken  sabad.
 - Wished to take his own life, he  rhus-t.
 - Withheld from action, mind and body must be in action, and yet  pop.
 - Wobble to and fro, brain seems to  cycl., spira.
 - Wobbling in brain  ars.
 - Wood and couldn't think, back of brain were made of  staph.
 - Wool, on walking floor were soft like  xanth.
 - Work, without fatigue, he could  pip-m.
 - Work, she could not accomplish her  bry.
 - World, outer, had no existence for her  nux-m.
 - World, rested upon him (weakness)  tab.
 - Wrong, something were  kali-br., samars.
 - Wrong, one had done something  ign., nux-m., ruta
 - Wrong, with him, he had a million things  samars.


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