The foetus (baby in the uterus of the pregnant mother) 1-3 weeks prior to delivery date (so long remaining in upright position) turns upside down, and the uterus descends down in such a way that the head of the foetus remains fixed in the pelvic floor of the mother. 1-3 weeks later, at the delivery time the mouth of the uterus dilates and the child comes out. Even after the full term of ten months if the child does not turn upside down, or turns half-way and lies crosswise or having turned upside down, does not descend further down, the attending lady doctor would say that head is still floating or is in incorrect position and so opens the abdomen to take out the child. This is called caesarean surgery. 70 to 90 per cent of caesarean surgeries at the present day are conducted solely for this reason.
(1) At this time if the patient takes three doses of the homoeopathic medicine Pulsatilla-1000, every 4-8 hours, in the next twenty-four hours it would be a normal and safe delivery.
"Abnormal presentations may be righted if Pulsatilla is given before the membranes are ruptured or the presenting parts are firmly engaged..."
(2) If the baby in the uterus stops growing, allopathy has no cure and they abort it. But if one single dose of the homoeopathic medicine Secale Cornutum-10M is given, the baby starts growing. (See Calvin B. Knerr's Repertory, p. 698. Pregnancy, foetus, development arrested: Sec.)
(3) After caesarean (or for that matter after any abdominal surgery) there would be pain in the sutured place lasting for years. But one single dose of the homoeo medicine Staphysagria-1000, completely cures in twenty-four hours all post-operative abdominal discomforts.
(4) Some newly married women are prone to urinary infection and they spend in thousands. Again, the same homoeo medicine Staphysagria-1000, in one single dose, would cure the condition in just a day's time.
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